
Boeing considers converting F-15EX into electronic warfare aircraft


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American-made F-15EX heavy fighter.

According to foreign media reports, Boeing is considering converting the F-15EX heavy fighter into an electronic warfare aircraft to fill the gap left after the retirement of the US Navy's electronic warfare aircraft, while also opening up new markets for the F-15EX.

The US Navy EA-18G "Growler" electronic warfare aircraft is modified from the F/A-18 "Hornet" fighter. Due to the small number of purchases, production will stop in 2027. Currently, Boeing is discussing whether to transform the F-15EX into its successor.

The F-15EX is the latest model of the F-15 series fighter jets, equipped with active and passive warning survival systems and certain electronic warfare capabilities. If the aircraft is converted into an electronic warfare aircraft, it will also need to be equipped with jamming pods and other auxiliary systems.

Some analysts pointed out that Boeing's consideration reflects the trend of integrating electronic warfare and traditional combat capabilities in modern air combat. With the expansion of the F-15EX's potential electronic warfare capabilities, the aircraft will play a greater role in future air combat. (Compiled by Cao Yabo)

(China National Defense News)
