
International Sharp Comments: The so-called "extended deterrence" pushes Japan further down the wrong path


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Strengthening "extended deterrence", upgrading the Japan-US military alliance, attacking and smearing China... During the recent Japan-US diplomatic and security "2+2" meeting and the "extended deterrence" ministerial meeting, Japan's series of actions have aroused high vigilance among regional countries. Many Japanese people protested that the Japanese government's actions are fanning the flames and are going further and further down the wrong path of "moving towards war."
Among Japan's dangerous moves, the most questionable one is the strengthening of "extended deterrence" with the United States. The so-called "extended deterrence" is a product of the Cold War, which means that the United States promises to use military force, including nuclear weapons, to protect its allies. Since 2010, the Japanese and American diplomatic and defense departments have been holding affairs-level consultations on this issue, and this year they established an independent ministerial framework. At the first "extended deterrence" ministerial meeting held recently, Japan and the United States confirmed the importance of sharing the US "nuclear umbrella". In the eyes of the outside world, Japan's move violates the obligations of non-nuclear weapon states stipulated in the "Non-Proliferation Convention", will increase the risk of nuclear proliferation and nuclear conflict, and further stimulate regional tensions.
Ironically, Japan has long regarded itself as a "victim of nuclear explosions" and advocated the establishment of a "nuclear-free world", but in fact it has continuously increased its nuclear dependence on the United States, which is a case of saying one thing and doing another. In May 2023, the Japanese government announced the "Hiroshima Vision" in Hiroshima, which focuses on nuclear disarmament, but has not made any concrete progress so far. This time, Japan's strengthening of "extended deterrence" violates its commitment to the "three non-nuclear principles", indicating that it hopes to get more protection from the US "nuclear umbrella". However, is the United States really reliable? Analysts pointed out that for the United States, the so-called "extended deterrence" is to strengthen its global military hegemony and enhance its bargaining chips for confrontation with other countries, which is bound to greatly increase the risk of Japan being involved in war or even nuclear war. In other words, the US "nuclear umbrella" brings not security but danger to Japan.
However, some Japanese politicians who have been brainwashed by militarism cannot listen to rational voices and are obsessed with strengthening the military. This time, with Japan's active efforts, Japan and the United States also agreed to upgrade their military alliance at the "2+2" diplomatic and security meeting between the two countries, including the US side will reorganize the US troops stationed in Japan and establish a new "integrated military command", and the Japanese Self-Defense Forces will establish a "integrated combat command" before the spring of 2025 to be responsible for the integrated use of the Japanese Army, Navy and Air Force. This move shows that by upgrading the alliance command system, Japan is trying to use more of the US military power to enhance its security status in the region and even the world. Its ambition for military expansion is obvious.
It is worth noting that the Japan-US alliance, while holding on to the Cold War mentality and forming small circles, has continuously increased the risk of nuclear proliferation, while at the same time turning around and attacking "China's continued rapid expansion of its nuclear arsenal", trying to confuse the public and cover up the fact that it is impacting international security. However, the world has witnessed that for a long time, China has pursued a policy of no first use of nuclear weapons, adhered to a nuclear strategy of self-defense, and has always maintained its nuclear forces at the minimum level required for national security, and has not engaged in an arms race with anyone. In contrast, Japan has repeatedly broken through the restrictions of the post-war "peace constitution", intending to achieve military deregulation by relying on the United States and repeating the mistakes of militarism. This act of historical regression is not only a betrayal of the cause of human peace, but also a forgetfulness of historical lessons.
Article 9 of Japan's "Peace Constitution" clearly stipulates that Japan abandons the right to war and pursues a path of peaceful development. As a defeated country in World War II, Japan should deeply reflect on historical lessons, not seek nuclear weapons in any form, and not go further and further down the wrong path of strengthening the military and expanding arms, otherwise it may gamble its own national destiny again.
(International Sharp Comments commentator)
(Source: CCTV News Client)