
Mercedes-Benz TecDay|Aspire helps Mercedes-Benz create a new generation of "MBUX virtual assistant"


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From August 1st to 2nd, AISpeech was invited to participate in the Technology Day event of Mercedes-Benz Shanghai R&D Center, and shared with Mercedes-Benz the progress of cooperation and future plans under the new MB.OS architecture.
Mercedes-Benz said it will give full play to the Chinese R&D team and local partners based on the new MB.OS architecture.Speechto create more responsive, flexible, and friendly virtual assistants.
In the new generation of voice system, Mercedes-Benz upgraded it from a simple "voice assistant" toMBUX“Virtual Assistant”,Combined with AISpeech's full-link intelligent voice language interaction technology, making the interaction between machines and humans richer, becoming a communication bridge between every Mercedes-Benz car and its users, allowing every Mercedes-Benz user to have his or her own exclusive virtual assistant, creating digital luxury in the details.
reactionEvenFast, efficient executionEvenhigh
Mercedes-Benz believes that technology can be simple. The most important thing for the MBUX virtual assistant is to give users the time to choose, wait and learn, and help every car owner experience the smooth interaction of digital luxury.
AISpeech provides MBUX virtual assistant with full-scenario voice interaction technology, which can increase the wake-up speed to 0.2 seconds, and the end-to-end response speed (from finishing speaking to starting voice broadcast) is only 0.8 to 1 second, which is 1.5 times faster. In addition, it also supports full-scenario interruption, dynamic stop judgment, multiple intentions, grab microphone and other functions.The overall interaction efficiency can be improved by 50%
More flexibility
MBUX virtual assistant will have more flexible voice interaction capabilities and supportMultiple audio zones interacting in parallel, taking care of the voice needs of passengers in every seat in the car.
passEnhanced wake-up word technology,Users can put the wake-up word "Mercedes-Benz" at the beginning or end of the command to meet the user's personalized interaction habits. You can say "Hello Mercedes-Benz, turn on the air conditioner" or "Turn on the air conditioner, Mercedes-Benz".
MBUX Virtual Assistant supportFull scene interruption,The full-duplex interaction mode enables listening, speaking and executing at the same time.
More friendly
AISPEE and Mercedes-Benz jointly developedA new brand voice(including male and female voices), creating a more textured and more Mercedes-Benz brand-specific sound. By using the cloud engine, the MBUX virtual assistant can generate higher quality and more natural voices.
In addition, AISpeech and the Mercedes-Benz China voice team have optimized the overall voice response script. Behind each sentence are the interaction and design details polished by Chinese interaction designers, which are more in line with the language habits of Chinese users.
Strong natural semantic understanding ability, recognizes and responds to emotions
Mercedes-Benz hopes that the MBUX virtual assistant can empathize with every car owner and provide users with full emotional value during every time in the car.
Based on the powerful natural language understanding, emotional dialogue and enhanced recognition capabilities of AIS, MBUX virtual assistant can realize emotional interaction and recognize commands more accurately in various environments.Command recognition accuracyCanIncreased to 97%,False wake-up rateCan reduce25%
AISpeech has also enhanced the local accent recognition capabilities of the MBUX virtual assistant.The recognition rate of Mandarin with accents increased by 10-20%
Mercedes-Benz said that voice interaction in the smart cockpit is a function that Chinese users use frequently, and the local research and development team of Mercedes-Benz is accelerating the improvement of voice interaction capabilities.Mercedes-Benz has chosen to join forces with its leading technology partner, AISPEE, combined with the habits of Chinese users to create a voice assistant that is more suitable for Chinese users. Mercedes-Benz hopes to use advanced technologies such as 3D graphics technology, generative AI and large models to create a virtual assistant that can communicate like a real person and provide personalized services, build a bridge between users, brands and cars, and create digital luxury exclusive to Mercedes-Benz.
The development of intelligentization in the automotive industry is accelerating. In this new era of the industry, AIS is also looking forward to cooperating with Mercedes-Benz to continue exploring new heights of intelligence and reshape the new experience of the smart cockpit with the new "MBUX virtual assistant"! (Xianning News Network)