
Qingdao City starts compiling supplementary pricing basis for intelligent robots


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Peninsula Omnimedia reporter Guo Zhenliang

In order to help promote the high-quality development of intelligent construction in Qingdao and promote the construction of an intelligent construction pilot city with high standards, the Municipal Construction Management Center recently organized a kick-off meeting for the preparation of supplementary pricing basis for intelligent construction (intelligent robots), explored the preparation of a batch of supplementary pricing basis for intelligent construction robots, and continuously improved the policy and standard system to provide pricing guarantees for the promotion and application of intelligent construction technology.

The launch meeting was held at the Wendian Road residential project site of China Construction Eighth Engineering Bureau Fourth Construction Co., Ltd. The compilation team insisted on problem-oriented, focused on the intelligent construction technology promoted and applied in the field of housing construction engineering in Qingdao, clarified the work tasks and work plans, and conducted on-site investigations on the application of intelligent construction and installation robots such as slotting robots.

In the next step, the Municipal Construction Management Center will adhere to innovation-driven and technology-led development, continue to focus on the project cost pricing issues in the industrialization, digitalization, greening and intelligent development of Qingdao's construction industry, dynamically manage the pricing basis, and promote high-quality development of the construction industry.
