
Large-scale riots in the UK have pushed the police force to the brink of collapse. Prime Minister Starmer responds strongly


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Large-scale riots broke out in the UK due to a knife attack that resulted in three deaths and multiple injuries. As of the evening of the 5th, violent riots continued in parts of the UK, including Belfast, Darlington and Plymouth. Rioters threw Molotov cocktails at the police, looted shops and burned police cars.
In response to the riots, British Prime Minister Starmer said in London on the 6th that all necessary actions would be taken to quell the riots.
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Rioters threw Molotov cocktails, looted stores and burned police stations
From Bristol and Stoke to Liverpool, Manchester and Belfast, protesters clashed violently with police, a police station building in Sunderland in northern England was set on fire, and even Molotov cocktails were thrown near the British Prime Minister's residence in central London. Police forces in many places are "on the verge of collapse." Residents of Muslim and immigrant communities across the UK who were targeted by these riots are worried.
On the 3rd and 4th, protests broke out in more than 30 cities and towns in the UK. Demonstrations in many places turned into riots. In some places, thugs threw Molotov cocktails, looted shops, and even attacked and burned police stations.
The British Daily Mail reported on the 4th that the riots were particularly severe in Liverpool, Manchester, Leeds, Stoke and Hull, as well as Belfast, the capital of Northern Ireland. In Liverpool, a group of thugs rushed into supermarkets and mobile phone stores in the city center, and some people shouted "Take the mobile phone! Take the mobile phone!" The thugs cleared the shelves. In Manchester, a supermarket in the city center was forced to close after being "attacked" by thugs. In Belfast, shops were wantonly smashed and looted and then set on fire by thugs. Many innocent citizens, especially ethnic minorities, were attacked by thugs. In Hull, an Asian man was attacked by thugs when he drove past the riot site. The thugs shouted and smashed his car windows and beat him. In Manchester, a black man was besieged by a group of thugs.
Violent riots also broke out near 10 Downing Street, the official residence of the British Prime Minister. On the evening of July 31, thousands of protesters held a demonstration near Downing Street, chanting slogans such as "We want to take back our country" and "Ban the immigrant boats". Some people pushed down the fences set up by the police and threw Molotov cocktails and fireworks at the Prime Minister's residence and the statue of Churchill, clashing violently with the police on the scene. More than 100 protesters were arrested.
All necessary actions will be taken to quell the riots and prepare more than 500 prison vacancies
According to CCTV News, on August 6 local time, British Prime Minister Starmer stated at a cabinet meeting that the ongoing violence is no longer a protest but a "violent riot" and those involved in violent acts will quickly face "full legal sanctions."
According to the BBC, Starmer told cabinet members that he spoke with local police during a visit to Southport, Merseyside, England, who had been responding to riots the day after a knife attack, when bricks were thrown at them. "This is something no one wants to see," Starmer said. "This is not a protest, this is a violent riot and it needs to be treated like a criminal activity."
The BBC reported that Starmer also said, "99.9% of people in this country want their neighborhoods to be safe and want to feel safe in their communities. We will take all necessary actions to quell the riots."
British Justice Secretary Heidi Alexander said on the same day that the British government will prepare more than 500 prison vacancies to ensure that those involved in violence can be imprisoned.
Stephen Parkinson, Attorney General of the UK Crown Prosecution Service, said that as of that day, about 100 of the approximately 400 people arrested for the riots had been charged, and those with more serious circumstances might be charged with terrorism.
A man who caused criminal damage during the Bolton riots in Greater Manchester on August 6 has been jailed for two months. James Neilson, 18, is believed to be the first person to be jailed for his part in the riots.
17-year-old man kills 3 children in knife attack
According to reports from The Guardian, Sky News and other media, a knife attack occurred in Southport, Merseyside, northwest England, on July 29. A 17-year-old male suspect broke into a primary school dance class and committed a crime, killing three children and injuring several others. After the incident, protests broke out in London, Manchester and other regions of the UK, which turned into violent riots.
On July 29, a 17-year-old man broke into a children's dance class in Southport with a knife and committed murder, killing three children aged between 6 and 9 and injuring at least eight people, including five children and two adults who were seriously injured.
The police confirmed that the suspect was born in the UK, clarifying the previous online claim that the suspect was an Islamic immigrant. According to the BBC, the suspect was born in Cardiff, the capital of Wales, and his parents are from Rwanda.
British police have not released the suspect's name because he is under the age of 18.
Data disclosed by the Associated Press shows that in recent years, knives are used in about 40% of homicides in the UK each year on average. After this knife attack, British public opinion called on the government to implement more knife control policies.
Upstream News integrates CCTV News, China News Network, Global Times, etc.