
The account of the internet celebrity with millions of fans was blocked! It is said that he is worth 8 billion and gave 11 Maseratis to his employees.


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recently,Ni Haishan, who has more than 18 million followers on Douyin, has his account banned by the platformThere are many speculations on the Internet about the reason why Ni Haishan’s account was blocked.

in addition,Ni Haishan’s account on Kuaishou, which has 5 million followers, was also blocked.

The reporter called Shanghai Haishan Culture Media Co., Ltd. (the MCN where Ni Haishan's account is located) several times.No one answered the call

According to previous reports by The Paper, Ni Haishan is a micro-businessman born after 1985.In January 2016, he became famous for "spending 8 million to buy 11 Maseratis to give employees year-end bonuses"Ni Haishan sold "Lao Ni Plaster" through WeChat, and in less than a year, he increased the sales of this small company with a registered capital of only 50,000 yuan to over 100 million yuan.The Internet claims that "worth 8 billion"The first person in China's micro-business

Ni Haishan also has a persona that flaunts his wealth on the Internet.

In 2022, he posted a video saying that he spent 18 million yuan to rent Gaoyou Lake and planned to drain the lake water for fishing in 45 days.

In response, the local Fisheries Management Committee stated that Gaoyou Lake could not be contracted out. Staff speculated that "Ni Haishan" must have contracted out a fish pond and had already gone to investigate and verify.

In the past few months, Ni Haishan did outdoor live broadcasts and gave money and mobile phones to "people in need" by answering questions on the streets.

He said in a recent live broadcast that if his account was blocked, he would have nothing to do but watch his bank account earn interest.

Source: The Paper, Zhengguan News, Qilu News
