
Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: Orderly promote the reform of satellite Internet business access system


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Source: Securities Times

On August 6, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the "Opinions on Innovating the Management of the Information and Communications Industry and Optimizing the Business Environment" (hereinafter referred to as the "Opinions"). The "Opinions" proposed to promote the formation of a new situation of high-level opening up to the outside world, and further pilot the expansion of the opening of value-added telecommunications services. Deepen the opening of telecommunications services to private capital and orderly promote the reform of the satellite Internet service access system. The interviewed experts believe that the release of the "Opinions" is a concrete action by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology to implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee and promote the high-quality development of the information and communications industry. It not only provides more scientific, standardized and efficient guidance for industry management, but also injects strong impetus into the industry's open development, technological innovation and industrial upgrading.

As a strategic, basic and leading industry of the national economy, the information and communication industry is a key force in promoting the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy. In recent years, the information and communication market has prospered and developed, and its opening up to the outside world has continued to deepen. The latest data from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology shows that the number of telecommunications and Internet companies in the country has reached 169,000, of which more than 92% are privately-controlled companies, and the number of foreign-invested telecommunications companies has increased by more than 35% year-on-year.

A relevant person in charge of the Information and Communications Administration of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology pointed out that optimizing the business environment of the information and communications industry and accelerating the construction of an industry supervision and service system that is compatible with digital development are the inevitable requirements for the information and communications industry in building a high-level socialist market economic system. It is also to better play the leading role of informatization-driven development and provide solid support for cultivating new quality productivity and promoting new industrialization.

Focusing on comprehensively deepening reform and innovation in industry management, the Opinions proposes to continuously optimize an efficient, open and unified access environment. Optimize market access management and improve the management of telecom equipment product families. Strengthen support for innovative development, coordinate the commercial pilot of new telecom services, and increase policy support for the innovative development of new technologies and new services; encourage enterprises to further deepen technological innovation and industrial applications in emerging fields such as 5G, artificial intelligence, and quantum information. Expand the opening of telecom services, further pilot the expansion of value-added telecom services, deepen the opening of telecom services to private capital, and orderly promote the reform of satellite Internet service access system to better support the development of private telecom enterprises.

In terms of actively creating a healthy, fair and orderly competition environment, the Opinions clearly state that we should improve the rules of fair competition in the market, improve the regulatory system and rules of the information and communications market order, and strengthen the fair competition review of policy documents. We should maintain a good market competition order, establish and improve the competition supervision mechanism of the basic telecommunications market; vigorously create an Internet industry ecology of fair competition, openness and sharing, urge large platform companies to treat third-party companies fairly and equally, and deal with malicious incompatibility, interference with the installation and operation of Internet applications and other behaviors that disrupt the market order in accordance with the law.

At the same time, the Opinion points out that we should innovate inclusive and prudent supervision methods, promote the implementation of new industry management models of ex ante credit commitment, in-process credit classification supervision, and ex post credit repair, and promote flexible supervision methods such as administrative guidance and administrative interviews. We should build "network-based network" supervision capabilities, promote iterative upgrades of existing technical supervision capabilities, promote remote supervision and online supervision methods, and further improve supervision efficiency.

A good business environment is an important foundation for promoting high-quality development of the information and communication industry. Zhu Keli, executive director of the China Information Association and founding dean of the National Research Institute of New Economy, pointed out in an interview with a Securities Times reporter that the relevant measures of the "Opinion" will help break down industry barriers, reduce corporate operating costs, and stimulate market vitality. A more fair, transparent and predictable business environment will provide a broader development space for information and communication companies, especially small and medium-sized enterprises. At the same time, as the pilot program of opening up value-added telecommunications services to foreign capital is further promoted, it will attract more foreign capital to enter, bring advanced technology, management experience and market resources, and promote the transformation and upgrading of the domestic information and communication industry.

Reporter Guo Bohao