
I regret not knowing this earlier! My neighbor's second bedroom doesn't have a tatami, but this design is both practical and beautiful!


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In urban life where every inch of land is valuable, small and medium-sized apartments have become the first choice for many families. However, facing those small and cramped secondary bedrooms, how to meet the needs of sleeping, storage and multi-functions in a limited space has become a difficult problem for many owners when decorating.

Once upon a time, the custom tatami integrated design was popular for its convenience of "one thing for multiple uses", but as time went by, its fixedness, airtightness and high customization costs gradually emerged. Today, let's explore the design solutions for the second bedroom that are more flexible and practical than tatami!

1. Disadvantages of integrated tatami

It is undeniable that the integrated tatami design is indeed attractive at first glance - it combines sleeping, storage, and office work in one, perfectly meeting the needs of efficient use of small spaces. However, behind the beauty there are often unknown "pitfalls":

1. Fixed design, difficult to adapt:Once formed, it is as hard to shake as a rock, and it is difficult to meet the needs of growing family members or changing the function of the space.

2. Not breathable, susceptible to moisture and mold:The sealed storage space and the airtight mattress bottom become breeding grounds for mold, which will affect your health if you live there for a long time.

3. High customization costs:The complex design and exquisite materials make it daunting for families with tight budgets.

2. N possibilities of small secondary bedrooms

Since tatami is not the only solution, what other designs can save our small second bedroom?

1. Custom cabinet + slatted bed

Simple yet practical, the slatted bed is not only breathable, but can also be moved flexibly according to needs. When paired with customized cabinets, it can meet storage needs while maintaining the flexibility of the space.

2. Custom cabinet + invisible bed + desk

The design is like a space magician. The invisible bed is usually hidden in the cabinet and can be easily pulled out when needed. It can be matched with a desk or dressing table, so that a small space can have the visual effect of a large study or dressing room.

3. Small bed + desk cabinet

The space is carefully planned out, with the bed placed against the wall to leave enough space for activities, and a set of desks and cabinets is added, which makes it easy to use for study, work, or daily storage.

4. Custom cabinet + sofa bed

A model of multifunctional furniture, the sofa bed is a comfortable leisure area during the day and a cozy sleeping space at night. Paired with custom cabinets, it is easy to create a versatile functional room.

Although the secondary bedroom is small, it has unlimited creativity. Through reasonable layout and clever design, we can create unlimited possibilities in a limited space.

Whether it is the custom cabinet + slatted bed that pursues pragmatism, or the custom cabinet + invisible bed + desk that takes into account both beauty and functionality, or the warm combination of a small bed + desk cabinet, or the flexible and changeable custom cabinet + sofa bed, each option is the ultimate interpretation of the aesthetics of a small space.

(This article is compiled and edited by Qijia Anan, and the pictures are from the Internet. If there is any infringement, please let us know to delete it!)