
An important step forward! The domestic low-orbit internet "Qianfan Constellation" was successfully launched


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[Global Times reporter Fan Wei and Fan Anqi] At 14:42 on August 6, my country successfully launched the Qianfan Polar Orbit 01 satellite group using the Long March 6 modified carrier rocket at the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center. The satellite successfully entered the predetermined orbit and the launch mission was a complete success. According to the Global Times reporter, the Qianfan Polar Orbit 01 satellite group successfully launched this time is the first batch of networking satellites of the "Qianfan Constellation" plan, which is known as the domestic "Starlink". The complete success of this launch mission marks an important step for my country to enter the global satellite Internet field.
What is the "Thousand Sails Constellation"
According to a Global Times reporter, the "Qianfan Constellation" is one of the two major low-orbit satellite Internet constellation plans being built in my country. Shanghai Yuanxin Satellite Technology Co., Ltd. is the operator and is responsible for planning, construction, and operation. The long-term plan for the space segment of the "Qianfan Constellation" will deploy more than 15,000 satellites. According to the plan, by 2025, the "Qianfan Constellation" will complete the deployment of 648 satellites in the first phase and initially build a satellite Internet system with global coverage. Among them, the Microsatellite Innovation Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, as one of the research parties of the "Qianfan Constellation", is mainly responsible for the development of satellite systems, including platform products, payload development, and the assembly, integration, and testing of the entire satellite. The successful launch of the Qianfan Polar Orbit 01 Group of Satellites also realized the first batch development of flat-panel satellites in my country and the stacked launch of 18 satellites in one rocket.
On the 6th, the Long March 6 modified carrier rocket was launched into space at the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center.
A Global Times reporter learned from Shanghai Yuanxin Satellite Technology Co., Ltd. on August 6 that the first batch of 18 commercial networking satellites successfully launched this time are the first batch of the company's first-generation satellites of the "Thousand Sails Constellation". The ultimate goal of the "Thousand Sails Constellation" is to provide global users with low-latency, high-speed and high-reliability satellite broadband Internet services.
"In recent years, the achievements of Space Exploration Technologies Corporation's 'Starlink' as a 'spoiler' in the Internet communications industry are obvious to all. With the launch and networking of the 'Thousand Sails Constellation', my country has begun to exert its strength in this field." Kang Guohua, a senior member of the Chinese Society of Astronautics and a professor at Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, said in an interview with the Global Times on August 6 that both the 'Thousand Sails Constellation' and the US 'Starlink' use advanced satellite communication technology and multi-layer, multi-orbit constellation design. The 'Thousand Sails Constellation' may pay more attention to the satellite's multimedia functions and broadband communication capabilities to meet the needs of different users. In terms of market maturity, 'Starlink' has achieved success in the US market and expanded globally, while the 'Thousand Sails Constellation' is currently mainly committed to providing high-quality communication services to domestic users. "But as the plan advances and the technology matures, it will be inevitable for the 'Thousand Sails Constellation' to expand into the international market."
Why the world attaches great importance to the development of low-orbit Internet constellations
Low-orbit, large-scale satellite internet constellations are the current development trend of the commercial satellite industry. Zhang Nan, chief designer of the ultra-low-orbit telecom constellation of the Space Engineering Department of China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation, said in an interview with the Global Times that low-orbit usually refers to an orbital altitude of 500-2000 kilometers from the ground. Remote sensing satellites generally operate at an altitude of 500-600 kilometers from the ground. The low-orbit broadband communication satellites under construction in my country generally operate at an orbital altitude of 1000 kilometers from the ground. The Chinese space station is located in an orbit about 400 kilometers from the ground. The main operating altitude of the US "Starlink" Internet satellite constellation is about 550 kilometers.
Generally speaking, low-orbit satellites are also considered to have many advantages. Compared with high-orbit satellites such as geosynchronous orbit, in the field of communications, low-orbit satellites have the advantages of short distance, small transmission delay, low link loss, flexible launch, rich application scenarios, and low overall manufacturing cost. It requires lower processing power from the receiving terminal, and the mobile terminal will be more flexible and lightweight, which is of great significance for applications with high time sensitivity. In addition, the cost of manufacturing and launching low-orbit satellites is low. The landing signal strength is higher, which can improve the positioning effect under obstruction and shielding conditions, and enhance availability, anti-interference and anti-deception capabilities.
Based on these advantages, many countries are actively deploying low-orbit satellite constellations, and low-orbit satellite communications have also become a global emerging industry.
Looking around the world, more and more commercial companies have also launched their own low-orbit constellation plans, striving to enter the world's first echelon in the field of low-orbit satellites. So far, there have been constellations represented by SpaceX's "Starlink", Amazon's "Kuiper Project", Iridium Satellite Communications' "Iridium II" and OneWeb of the United Kingdom. Among them, SpaceX's "Starlink" has launched more than 6,000 satellites, and Amazon's "Kuiper Project", OneWeb of the United Kingdom and other companies have also planned to launch thousands of satellites.
Previously, my country has also announced low-orbit satellite internet constellation plans such as the "Hongyan Constellation", "Hongyun Project" and "Xingwang Project". Public reports show that there are currently three "Ten Thousand Stars Constellation" plans planned in China, namely the "Qianfan Constellation", the GW Constellation and the Honghu-3 (Honghu-3) Constellation.
“The next 5 to 10 years will be a very important period of development opportunities”
It is worth mentioning that satellites need to apply for orbital and frequency band resources to orbit the earth. The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) proposes to follow the principle of "first come, first served" in the acquisition of orbital and frequency band resources. Therefore, orbits and frequency bands are also considered to be a limited and non-renewable strategic resource. Especially in low-orbit space, the number of satellites that can be accommodated is limited, so first-mover countries will have significant advantages, which is also one of the main reasons for the fierce competition among relevant countries in this field. Public reports show that in 2020, GW Constellation submitted a constellation spectrum application to the International Telecommunication Union, planning to launch about 13,000 low-orbit satellites. Landray Hongqing Technology also submitted a constellation plan of about 10,000 satellites to the International Telecommunication Union.
"The next five to ten years will be a very important strategic development opportunity period. China's aerospace enterprises, especially commercial aerospace companies, must work hard to seize this window of development and help my country seize the right to speak in the future space." Dai Zheng, general manager of the rocket research and development department of Blue Arrow Aerospace and commander of the Suzaku-3 rocket, previously told the Global Times that my country's commercial aerospace is expected to usher in explosive growth in the next two to three years. Starting in the second half of 2025 or the first half of 2026, satellite Internet constellations will usher in high-density networking.
Regarding the challenges that the Starlink plan may bring, some analysts believe that it must not be a simple business plan. In fact, the competition for aerospace resources has always been a "battlefield" for major powers. From the perspective of technical research, what we can do is to speed up the research progress, break through core technologies, and apply for spectrum resources as soon as possible. On this basis, actively participate in the satellite standard-setting work carried out by the International Organization for Standardization, and strive to take the lead in satellite standard-setting. At the same time, we should consider international cooperation in satellite Internet and other space fields, actively participate in the cooperation and standard-setting of various international projects, and enhance my country's international influence in the satellite field.