
Many places have improved policy support and built infrastructure to effectively and orderly increase computing power supply


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Original title: Many places improve policy support and build infrastructure - (lead)
Effectively and orderly increase computing power supply (theme)
Computing power is a new type of productivity in the digital economy era. From driverless cars to smart government affairs, many artificial intelligence applications have penetrated into thousands of industries and cannot be separated from the support of powerful computing power. At present, many places have increased investment in the construction of computing power infrastructure based on their own advantageous resource endowments, improved computing power supply, and promoted high-quality economic development.
Scientific planning
In order to better promote the construction of computing infrastructure, many places have introduced relevant policies and scientifically planned development plans to ensure that project construction is in line with regional economic development.
In April this year, Beijing issued the "Beijing Computing Infrastructure Construction Implementation Plan (2024-2027)". According to the "Plan", Beijing will change the "small and scattered" situation of intelligent computing construction and concentrate on building a number of large intelligent computing clusters. It is expected that by 2025, a pattern of clustered intelligent computing resource supply, autonomous intelligent computing facility construction, precise intelligent computing capability empowerment, green intelligent computing center operation, and systematic intelligent computing ecological development will be basically established.
As a national hub and data center cluster city, Chengdu is scientifically planning and orderly developing computing infrastructure. In the starting area of ​​the Tianfu Data Center Cluster, large data centers focusing on computing services are mainly deployed, and the construction of small data centers is restricted; each district (city) and county is encouraged to give priority to attracting data center projects with large scale, strong computing power, good ecology, and market-oriented operation, and to limit the introduction of data center projects focusing on storage services, so as to focus on increasing the scale of local computing power.
Henan Province attaches great importance to the development of digital infrastructure and intelligent computing centers. The "2024 Henan Province Big Data Industry Development Work Plan" issued this year clearly states that Henan will deeply integrate into the construction of a national integrated computing system. Henan plans to invest 56.825 billion yuan this year to support the construction of hardware facilities, technology research and development, and application promotion of the intelligent computing center, and promote the province's digital economy growth rate to remain above 10%.
Since the beginning of this year, Ningxia has focused on implementing actions to increase the scale of digital industrialization, accelerated the construction of seven data centers, strived to add more than 60,000 standard racks, better play the role of Ningxia's "East Data West Computing" hub node, and strive to turn the "exchange center" and "computing power center" into an "investment center" and "efficiency center."
As the policies are implemented and take effect, the construction of computing power infrastructure in various places is in full swing, and the computing power supply capacity continues to increase.
Beijing's data infrastructure pilot zone has been expanded to Haidian District, the country's first artificial intelligence data training base has been officially put into use, 100 high-quality training data sets for large artificial intelligence models have been released, and large-scale intelligent computing clusters have been accelerated... Since the beginning of this year, Beijing has accelerated the pace of deploying computing power. According to Tang Jianguo, chief economist of the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Economy and Information Technology, in the first half of this year, Beijing built 14,200 new 5G base stations, with a total of 121,600 base stations, and 55 5G base stations per 10,000 people.
On July 2, the Tianfu Intelligent Computing Southwest Computing Center was officially put into operation in Chengdu. As an important computing node of the Chengdu-Chongqing hub, the center will help Chengdu's core artificial intelligence industry develop and promote the "smart transformation and digital transformation" of traditional industries. Zhang Jian, general manager of the Sichuan-Tibet region of Inspur Electronic Information Industry Co., Ltd., introduced that the center has deployed the Metabrain AI server computing unit, which is based on an open and diverse system architecture and can efficiently support a variety of diverse AI acceleration chips. Through efficient network solutions and scheduling algorithms, the computing efficiency of training large models with hundreds of billions of parameters has been increased to 80%.
In the Yufa Jinrong Information Technology Park in the northern part of Zhengzhou Airport Economic Zone, the construction of Zhengzhou Artificial Intelligence Computing Center is in full swing. The project covers an area of ​​about 46,000 square meters, with a total investment of 1.6357 billion yuan, and aims to build the largest intelligent computing center in Henan Province. Wang Jingzhong of Henan Airport Digital City Development and Construction Co., Ltd. introduced that the first phase of the project is expected to be put into production by the end of September this year, and by then it will have a computing power of 2000P, reaching the domestic advanced level.
Walking into the Western Cloud Base in Zhongwei City, Ningxia, you can find a number of data centers under construction or newly built side by side. In recent years, Zhongwei City has been approved as the National (Zhongwei) New Internet Exchange Center and the National Hub Node of the National Integrated Computing Network. It has built more than 10 large and super-large data centers such as Amazon and China Telecom, and built the country's first 10,000-card-level intelligent computing base. The computing power quality and efficiency index ranks first in the northwest.
Enabling transformation
The implementation of computing power infrastructure is accelerating the digital transformation of various industries.
In May 2022, the Chengdu Intelligent Computing Center, with a total investment of 10.9 billion yuan, was officially put into operation. The center can provide a total of 300P artificial intelligence computing power in the first phase, which is equivalent to the computing power of 150,000 high-performance personal computers. Wang Zhiguo, chairman and general manager of the Chengdu Intelligent Computing Center, introduced that the Chengdu Intelligent Computing Center currently has 195 cooperative users, including government departments, universities, colleges, and enterprises.
This year, Beijing Unicom built the Jingxi Zhigu Autonomous Innovation Artificial Intelligence Computing Center in Mentougou District, with a computing power of 500P. As the first "government + operator" intelligent computing center in the country and the only domestically produced autonomous innovation computing center in Beijing, Jingxi Zhigu provides public computing power for domestic AI basic software and hardware, and coordinates the deep integration of data centers, cloud computing and network resources. In Xuchang, Henan, the Central Plains Artificial Intelligence Computing Center has been built and put into use with a computing power of 100P, and will be expanded to 300P in the future. This center not only serves public service fields such as weather forecasting, but also helps many companies achieve digital transformation.
Wei Pengpeng, member of the Standing Committee of Yinchuan Municipal Party Committee and deputy mayor, introduced that Yinchuan and enterprises have broad prospects for development and cooperation. First, cooperation will consolidate computing power infrastructure, promote the construction of supercomputing and intelligent computing centers, and support enterprises to explore the construction of zero-carbon and green data centers. Second, cooperation will cultivate the data element industry ecology, support enterprises in the fields of medical care, finance, provident fund, etc. to create a number of typical data circulation application scenarios, and jointly prosper the data element industry ecology of Yinchuan. Third, cooperation will create typical artificial intelligence applications and explore the in-depth application of artificial intelligence large models in government affairs, medical care, education, water management and other fields.
The continuously strengthened computing infrastructure is building a solid framework for the development of the digital economy. In 2023, the overall scale of Sichuan's digital economy will exceed 2.2 trillion yuan, accounting for 36.6% of the province's GDP. In the first half of this year, Beijing's digital economy maintained a high-quality development trend, with the added value of the digital economy increasing by 7.8% year-on-year, contributing more than 60% to economic growth.
Text/Economic Daily reporter Xia Xianqing, Yang Zipei, Yang Kaixin, Han Bingzhi, Liu Chang
Source: Economic Daily