
50th session 50-person interview|Wu Xiangsheng: Embrace change and be willing to develop in sync with the Qilu International Auto Show


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Editor’s Note:
He is a professional in the automotive industry, one of the first 4S store sales staff in Jinan, and an automotive professional who has been working in the automotive industry for more than 20 years and is still working on the front line. At the same time, he is a solid partner who has accompanied the Qilu International Auto Show through 48 sessions. In September 2024, the Qilu International Auto Show will usher in the important node of the 50th session. As an "old partner" of the Qilu International Auto Show, Wu Xiangsheng tells the story of how he has spent 24 years with the Qilu International Auto Show from 2000 to the present, witnessing each other's development process and growing together.
Wu Xiangsheng, General Manager of Jinan Jiarui Automobile
Taking the lead in holding auto shows
From "going to the big market" to "regular army"
Recalling his first encounter with the Qilu International Auto Show, Wu Xiangsheng couldn't help but feel filled with emotion.
"My deepest impression of the first time I attended the Qilu International Auto Show was the word 'lively'. Around 2000, the auto show industry across the country was still in its exploratory stage, and Jinan was unprecedented. At that time, there were no luxurious exhibition halls, performances, or activities. It was nothing more than everyone driving their cars and displaying them on site." Even so, Wu Xiangsheng, who attended the exhibition for the first time, was still shocked. "I only remember that the scene was full of people, just like a big market."
"At that time, there were fewer car companies, and their promotional methods were relatively simple. Consumers also lacked the means to view and understand cars. Qilu Evening News used its strong promotional influence to provide everyone with an advanced display and sales platform such as the auto show. At that time, it could be regarded as an attempt to 'get ahead of the trend'."
Speaking of the current Qilu International Auto Show, Wu Xiangsheng summarized it with two words: "professional". "Objectively speaking, the professionalism of the current Qilu International Auto Show is very high. Whether it is for OEMs, local groups, dealers, exhibitors or visitors, the organizers of the auto show can provide intimate and thoughtful services." Wu Xiangsheng said, "In the 24 years of cooperation, I have followed you from the Provincial Sports Center, Shungeng Convention and Exhibition Center, High-tech International Convention and Exhibition Center to the current new exhibition hall Shandong International Convention and Exhibition Center, and have never fallen behind," Wu Xiangsheng sighed, "Watching the venue level of the Qilu International Auto Show getting higher and higher, the scale of the exhibition getting larger and larger, the number of cooperative brands, and the number of consumers affected is getting larger and larger. Today, the Qilu International Auto Show has long been the leading auto show in Shandong and has become a professional international auto show. At the same time, I also feel very lucky that I have been in the era of rapid development of the automotive industry since I started working and have dedicated my love to it."
Autobots' "Festival"
The "barometer" of Shandong's auto market
As an industry insider, Wu Xiangsheng said, "Over the years, the Qilu International Auto Show has been more than just an auto show for our local dealers. We like to call it a 'festival of the auto industry'," Wu Xiangsheng said. "If you want to know what models are the hottest in the current auto market? What brands sell the best? What changes have taken place in the most popular models among the people? All of these can be directly reflected at the Qilu International Auto Show." "After an auto show, we pay attention not only to the sales of our own brand, but also to the direction of the entire industry and the entire auto market, and the changes in consumer demand. Our auto show is more like a 'barometer' to measure the Shandong auto market, which helps auto professionals predict the market consumption trend and observe the development trends of the auto industry."
In addition, Wu Xiangsheng also believes that the Qilu International Auto Show, as the "first auto show along the Yellow River", is of great significance to the development of Shandong's local auto industry. "A large number of new cars are released at each auto show. We can see the advanced trends and cutting-edge concepts of the auto industry at the auto show, and reflect the development trend. The sales data of car models, the user portraits of brands, the transaction ratio of leads, etc. can provide very intuitive guidance for our future marketing. Therefore, the auto show is not only a platform for communication between auto people, but also a platform for obtaining clear data resources, which is very valuable to every brand."
Adapt to the times and go with the flow
Looking forward to the rapid development of China's automobile industry
From car sales consultant to investor, Wu Xiangsheng's car matrix is ​​constantly expanding. Wu Xiangsheng, who majored in automobile manufacturing, has witnessed the changes in the sales concept of domestic cars over the past two decades, and has also experienced the start and rise of the domestic automobile industry.
"As a professional in the automotive industry, we are lucky to witness the industry transformation period with the 'new four modernizations' of the automobile industry as the background. I am sincerely excited to witness these new energy driving methods, new automobile technologies, and new ways of interaction. I firmly believe that China's automobile industry will develop rapidly, and I also believe that China's independent brands will have a broader space."
At the same time, Wu Xiangsheng believes that with the continuous development of science and technology, the mainstream energy methods of automobiles in the future will undergo further iterations and evolutions. "Before, we did not expect that the Chinese automobile industry would have such rapid development today. From the perspective of automobile industrial design, any technical route is a clear development path, especially the development of domestic automobiles in energy types such as extended range, hybrid, and pure electric. It is extremely difficult to overtake on the curve. In recent years, the industry has also discussed a lot about automobile energy types. The current mainstream lithium iron phosphate batteries, ternary lithium batteries, and solid-state batteries represent energy methods with lithium-ion technology as the core. In addition, the deep integration of renewable energy sources such as hydrogen energy, solar energy, and wind energy with automobile technology will also become an important development trend."
Embrace change and seek development
Layout of three major industrial platforms
Talking about future development, Wu Xiangsheng revealed that after undergoing many adjustments in recent years, Jiarui Automobile has confirmed its development strategy based on the three major sectors of "4S stores + online car-hailing + used cars".
Jiarui Automobile will continue to develop its traditional automobile sales business around the 4S store model. In today's ever-changing market environment, the operation of the traditional 4S store business has encountered unprecedented challenges, but as the basic foundation for long-term development, it is still necessary to maintain continuous attention to it. "The traditional 4S store business represents our basic foundation. Retaining this business symbolizes that we have not forgotten our roots and have not left the mainstream automobile market. This is our sentiment and foundation, and it is also the basis for our current survival." Wu Xiangsheng said.
At the same time, Jiarui Automobile will devote resources to online car-hailing mobile travel and focus on its development as a core module. According to Wu Xiangsheng, Jiarui is currently the leading mobile transportation supplier in the Jinan market, and has in-depth cooperation with leading online car-hailing platforms such as Didi, T3, and AutoNavi, and has rich experience in operating the online car-hailing market. With the development of automobile intelligence, Jiarui strives to seize the 5 to 10 years of development period of mobile travel in the future.
In addition, as China's car ownership scale becomes larger and larger, the used car market has also undergone tremendous changes. Jiarui Automobile has planned and laid out in the used car industry in advance and created the "Shenghao Chemao" project. The center covers an area of ​​100 acres and has a construction area of ​​100,000 square meters. It is the first digital used car commercial complex in Jinan. Wu Xiangsheng introduced a set of data. From the perspective of developed countries, the transaction volume of used cars will be about three times that of new cars in the future. Based on this, it can be inferred that there is still a high ceiling for the development of China's used car volume, and it is also a blue ocean full of opportunities.
"In future development plans, Jiarui Automobile will focus on the three major industrial platforms, develop in sync with the Qilu International Auto Show, grow bigger and stronger, and jointly embrace changes in the future automotive market," said Wu Xiangsheng.
(Qilu Evening News·Qilu One Point Client Zhang Xuelu Qingsong)
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