
Vegetable prices in Lu'an have risen significantly during the hot weather. When will vegetable prices fall? A reporter visited the site


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Da Wan News As the dog days continue, the continuous high temperature and sultry weather has put the "vegetable basket" of Lu'an City under a "baking" test. On August 6, Da Wan News reporters visited the scene and found that the supply of vegetables in various vegetable markets was basically sufficient, but the prices had obviously risen, which was a seasonal increase. So, when will the vegetable prices in the city fall back?

Department: The supply of "vegetable basket" is sufficient, and the price rises seasonally

On August 5, the official website of Lu'an Development and Reform Commission announced that since the beginning of the dog days of summer, the continued hot and humid weather has been a big test for the supply of Lu'an's "vegetable basket" products. Judging from the results of the city's Development and Reform Commission's enhanced market monitoring and analysis, it has promptly worked with the Municipal Bureau of Commerce to guide the Xishang Vegetable and Fruit Wholesale Market to actively organize the supply of goods, increase the purchase of vegetables from other places, and ensure that fresh vegetables are constantly on the tables of citizens in summer. At present, the city's vegetable market is well supplied, and prices are rising seasonally. The information also lists the prices monitored from four farmers' markets in Lu'an City, including Songquan and Baihua, as well as the Xishang Market.

Visit: Some vegetable prices increased by 100%

In order to understand the vegetable price situation in the farmers' markets in Lu'an city, on the morning of August 6, a reporter from Da'an News visited the Songquan Farmers' Market in Lu'an city.

The market stalls have a rich variety of vegetables, which are stacked in an orderly manner. Da Wan News reporters passed by several vegetable stalls, and a female stall owner introduced: "Tomatoes are now sold at 6 yuan per catty. The price has increased, but it did not increase overnight. Before the hot weather began, it was only 3 yuan per catty (an increase of about 100% compared to the previous low price). "Cucumbers have been 6 to 8 yuan per catty these days. According to the purchase situation, supermarkets sell them at a higher price than us. Cucumbers were cheap some time ago, only 4 yuan per catty (an increase of 50%-100%)." "Green peppers have also increased in price. Some time ago, it was only 4 yuan per catty, but now it is 5 yuan or more (an increase of about 20% compared to the previous low price), and it is not very impressive (not marketable)." The female stall owner introduced.

At the second stall, an elderly female stall owner said that the price of shelled edamame went from 7 yuan to 8 yuan, and then to 9 yuan and 10 yuan now (an increase of about 30% compared to the previous low price). "Only the purchase price of winter melon has increased a little, but we basically did not increase the price and still sell it at 2.5 yuan per catty. The prices of other vegetables have increased a little bit." "It's so hot now that local vegetables don't grow much. They are basically vegetables from other places, and the prices have increased a lot." The stall owner said. "Why don't I see oyster mushrooms?" The Da Wan News reporter asked, "There were still some when I came this morning, and the price has also increased. Now they are all sold out." The stall owner said.

The situation described by a female stall owner in the south aisle of the market is basically the same as that of other stall owners. "These two stalls are mine. In the past, they were filled with goods worth more than 1,000 yuan in the morning. Now it takes more than 2,000 yuan to fill them up," she said.

At around 12 noon on the same day, Da Wan News reporters went to Baihua Farmers Market on Jiefang North Road in Lu'an City and found that the results of the visit were basically the same. "Cucumbers, green peppers, tomatoes, you can see that basically all the vegetables on display have increased in price. Only winter melon and bean sprouts have not increased much." A stall owner surnamed Hu in the market said that the money he spent on purchasing goods every day before and now is very different. "It's much more than before. It used to be more than 2,000 (yuan), and now it's almost 4,000 (yuan)."

Residents reported that price increases were a common phenomenon, with the extent of the increase varying depending on the type of vegetable. Residents did have to pay a lot more for vegetables than before the dog days of summer.

What's more interesting is that after the visit, it was already past noon. The reporter from Da'an News bought a bowl of "rice with green pepper and shredded pork" at a nearby food stall. When the rice and shredded pork were served, he found that the amount of rice and shredded pork was the same, but the green pepper was only a few very finely chopped green peppers. When he asked the owner, the owner of the food stall replied: "It seems that you don't go to the vegetable market to buy vegetables very often. Do you know what the price of green pepper is now? If you cook with the original amount, you won't make any money at all."

As for the reason for the price increase, according to the information released by the city's Development and Reform Commission, the seasonal increase in vegetable prices is mainly because after the summer vacation, local vegetables grow slowly and the supply decreases, accounting for about 30% of the city's Xishang Market's average daily vegetable trading volume (about 1,000 tons). The remaining nearly 700 tons of vegetables are supplied by vegetable producing areas in and outside the province. The high temperature weather increases transportation costs and losses, leading to higher wholesale prices.

So, will the vegetable prices in Lu'an fall as the hot weather ends? According to the news released by the Lu'an Municipal Development and Reform Commission, it is expected that after the hot weather ends at the end of this month, as the local vegetable supply increases, the vegetable prices are expected to fall significantly. "Wait and see, once the weather gets better and it's not so hot, the vegetable prices may fall. I have been selling vegetables for many years, so I have some experience in this regard," said a stall owner at the Baihua Farmers' Market.

Photo report by Da Wan News reporter Dou Zujun

Editor: Peng Ling
