
"Mangrove Protection, We All Participate", Green Charity Trust supports a series of scientific publicity activities on mangroves in Zhanjiang


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On July 26, 2024, on the 9th International Day for the Conservation of Mangrove Ecosystems, the launching ceremony of the series of popular science activities on "Mangrove Conservation, We Participate Together" was held. CNOOC (China) Co., Ltd. Zhanjiang Branch, CNOOC Oilfield Services Limited Zhanjiang Branch and CNOOC Trust Co., Ltd. attended the event as supporting units.

In August 2023, China Overseas Trust established the first charitable public welfare trust project in China based on mangrove protection - the Saihanba Blue Carbon Promotion Public Welfare Trust Plan. With the assistance and guidance of the Guangdong Zhanjiang Mangrove National Nature Reserve Administration, the project sponsored and supported the "Mangrove Protection, We Participate Together" series of science popularization activities.

This activity aims to enhance the public's awareness of the ecological value of mangroves through the trinity of "lecture + study + exhibition", and to understand their irreplaceable role in maintaining biodiversity, protecting coastlines and purifying water quality. The activity will hold mangrove science lectures and policy lectures, mangrove science exhibitions, mangrove cultural and creative stalls, and "Zhanjiang Mangrove Science Popularization" propaganda vehicle tours, etc., to encourage the public to turn their knowledge into practical actions and participate in direct protection activities of mangroves.

In recent years, Zhanjiang has taken the construction of a "city of mangroves" as a starting point and has achieved initial results in the construction of a mangrove protection system, exploring the participation of social capital in the creation and restoration of mangroves, and the coupling of mangrove planting and breeding. As one of the earliest central enterprises to settle in Zhanjiang, CNOOC continues to help the local development of Zhanjiang. As a financial institution under CNOOC, CNOOC Trust will continue to unswervingly fulfill the social responsibility of a central enterprise trust company, actively explore new models of green trust, and contribute financial strength to the protection of mangroves and other ecological environments.
