
Teachers and students hand-painted a 100-meter-long scroll to beautify Beijing's South Central Axis


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Original title: Teachers and students hand-painted a 100-meter long scroll to beautify Beijing's South Central Axis

Yesterday morning (5th), students from Beijing No. 12 Middle School South Station School met at Dahongmen Street. They were going to complete a special "One-shot View of Fengtai" painting on a wall. As an important part of the 2024 "Fengtai Students Go Home" event, this summer, 150 primary and secondary school students from 26 schools in Fengtai participated in the "Beautify Home" event. The students and 116 young artists from 63 well-known domestic and foreign universities, including Tsinghua University, the Central Academy of Fine Arts, and the University of Exeter in the UK, participated in the creative wall painting, urban landscape shaping, new era civilization practice and volunteer service activities.

Three 100-meter-long scrolls beautify the South Central Axis

Yesterday, several Fengtai students met at Dahongmen Street to put the finishing touches on the wall painting work "See Fengtai from the bottom of the lens". They colored the big characters "Light up the new Fengtai and beautify the South Central Axis".

This painting, linked together in the form of film, tells the story of the booming Fengtai, including 29 Fengtai landmark buildings such as Beijing Garden Expo Park, the Memorial Hall of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Zhongguancun Fengtai Park, Beijing Automobile Museum, and Beijing Fengtai Station.

Liu Yi, deputy director of the Publicity Department of the Fengtai District Committee and director of the District Civilization Promotion Center, introduced that the "Students Return Home to Beautify Their Homes" activity was carried out in 26 towns and streets in Fengtai. Young students used their paintbrushes to create many "civilized check-in spots" with Fengtai characteristics, beautifying the streets and alleys of Fengtai.

Beijing Youth Daily reporters learned that during the "Students Go Home to Beautify Their Homes" event, young students created three huge original wall paintings in the South Central Axis area, telling the story of Fengtai's yesterday, today and tomorrow. These three themed wall paintings have their own characteristics. Among them, the "Future Fengtai" painted by master and doctoral students from Tsinghua University is particularly impressive. "The Fengtai drawn by the students is full of technology and futuristic style." Liu Yi introduced, "Standing in front of the painting, you can see the National Natural History Museum, Nanyuan Forest Wetland Park, China National Ballet Theater, and Lize Financial Business District on the South Central Axis. With the speeding high-speed rail, the important transportation hubs such as Beijing West Railway Station, South Railway Station, Fengtai Station, Caoqiao Airport Terminal, and Lize Airport Terminal are connected in series, and you can immersively experience the future changes of the South Central Axis as an ecological axis, cultural axis, and development axis."

Teachers and students jointly draw the story of Fengtai aerospace

In the "Fengtai Students Go Home to Beautify Their Homes" project, Beijing Youth Daily reporters saw many young art educators. "It is a very happy thing to lead students to walk through space with paintbrushes and light up our homes together." said young teacher Xu Ge. Born in 1998, Xu Ge is a native of Fengtai. After graduating from the Central Academy of Fine Arts, she chose to return to a middle school in Fengtai to work as an art teacher.

Fengtai is the birthplace of China's aerospace industry and the cradle of China's launch vehicles. Last year, Xu Ge and his students co-created a wall painting with the theme of "Cosmic Imagination", using their feelings and knowledge to draw together the story of Fengtai and the country's scientific and technological development. This year, under the brushes of Xu Ge and his students, "Cosmic Imagination Version 2.0" met with residents. The painting presents the magnificent journey of Chang'e 6 from ascension to sampling and then to return against the background of the earth and the moon. Standing in front of the wall painting, the residents passing by couldn't help but sigh: "This painting is so appropriate. As a Fengtai person, I am proud of the birthplace of China's aerospace!"

For Xu Ge, as a young person, she is particularly proud to be able to use the knowledge and art she has learned to lead the children to do something for Fengtai. "This is not only a practice with the nature of social aesthetic education, but also can plant a seed of art in the hearts of children."

Eye-catching small objects are transformed into eye-catching micro landscapes

In addition to the huge wall paintings, young students also transformed "eye-catching" small objects such as air-conditioning drainage pipes, cables and wires, building drainage pipes, and distribution boxes into "eye-catching" micro-landscapes, promoting civilized dog-raising, civilized traffic and other civilized behaviors, and helping to build a civilized urban area: the dilapidated transformer box in Pu'anli Second Community of Dongtiejiangying Street was transformed into a "cat climbing frame", and the plastic barrels of street wires were transformed into a "bamboo forest" loved by giant pandas; the building drainage pipes in Dahongmen Nanding Road Community became "street lights"; the small rainwater discharge pipes in Miaopu Dongli Community became a playground for children to race; the transformer box in Shouwei Community of Taipingqiao Street became a garbage classification "game console"...

It is particularly worth mentioning that in the second community of East Highland Triangle, the "spider web" of electrical wires and water pipes that affected the appearance of the dark red building has disappeared, replaced by a wall painting. In the painting, lively and agile little monkeys are happily jumping among the green vines in the forest, and passers-by seem to be in the jungle.

Beijing Youth Daily reporter learned that this painting was designed by students from Fengtai District Vocational Education Center using AI technology. "We first provided language materials for the AI ​​software, then proposed style and theme requirements, and then used drawing software to modify the details after the painting was completed." A student who participated in the design told reporters, "We hope to organically combine technology and art in life and leave a beautiful picture of harmonious coexistence between man and nature."

Text/Beijing Youth Daily reporter Zhang Zhiyi

Photo/Beijing Youth Daily reporter Yang Yi

(Beijing Youth Daily)
