
The quality of business operations is improving! Nanjing Bank's revenue and net profit grew steadily in the first half of the year, and its financial services were upgraded again!


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On August 6, Nanjing Bank held a semi-annual performance briefing. Regarding the business development in the first half of the year, Xie Ning, chairman of the bank, said in his speech that the first half of the year was better than the first quarter and better than the whole of last year, and the trend of improvement was more obvious.
Data shows that Nanjing Bank's revenue and net profit in the first half of the year increased by 7.9% and 8.5% year-on-year, respectively, up 5.1 percentage points and 3.4 percentage points from the first quarter, and up 6.7 percentage points and 8 percentage points from the whole of last year. In terms of cost reduction and efficiency improvement, the bank has also achieved remarkable results, with a cost-to-income ratio of 25.68%, down 1.85 percentage points year-on-year. In terms of asset quality, the non-performing loan ratio was 0.83% at the end of the first quarter, the same as at the end of the first quarter, down 0.07 percentage points from the beginning of the year, and continued to operate at a low level.
In terms of financial market business, Nanjing Bank actively explored new profit units, and the "three growth points" of custody, gold, and over-the-counter bonds were formed at a faster pace. The scale of asset custody business reached 3.25 trillion yuan, and the scale of public fund custody increased by more than 30% year-on-year; the accumulated gold business was officially launched, and the number of contracted customers increased rapidly; the transaction volume and number of customers of over-the-counter bond business increased exponentially, and many national first-order businesses were successively implemented, demonstrating the bank's innovation ability and market influence in the financial market.
In addition, Nanjing Bank is also committed to building a tiered service model covering the entire life cycle of enterprises. First, it polishes the three-dimensional product matrix, continuously updates the standardized product system such as "Xin e Small and Micro" and "Xin e Science and Technology Enterprise", and accelerates process optimization based on technology empowerment; second, it builds diversified financing channels, continuously improves cooperation with VC and PE institutions, and continuously iterates the investment and loan linkage model; third, it actively explores matchmaking business, explores potential opportunities, helps accurately match projects and funds, and further promotes enterprise development.
The deposit interest rate has been declining quarter by quarter. Since the beginning of this year, Nanjing Bank has launched relevant actions for the high-quality development of its deposit business, coordinating customer growth, liability development and value creation, providing full product coverage, extending the service chain, and continuously expanding the source of low-cost liabilities. Since the start of this work, the deposit interest rate has been declining quarter by quarter, down 8 basis points from the beginning of the year. With the downward trend and decline in market interest rates, the reasonable control and natural decline of liability costs will inevitably come, and the contribution of the liability side to the overall revenue will continue to highlight and increase.
Chairman Xie Ning emphasized at the meeting that Nanjing Bank has always adhered to customer-centricity, continuously optimized products and services, and improved service efficiency. In the first half of the year, the bank launched all-online products such as "Xin e Keqi" and online bill posting 2.0, and its service efficiency is generally higher than similar businesses in the market. At the same time, businesses such as over-the-counter bonds and gold accumulation have further enriched residents' asset allocation channels, bringing convenience and added value to customers while also achieving an increase in their own value. In the first half of the year, Nanjing Bank's net income from fees and commissions increased by 13.33%, and its ROE reached 15.96%, with a significant improvement in its value creation ability.
Nanjing Bank also continues to promote online, standardized, intensive and intelligent customer service. In the first half of the year, the bank effectively stimulated the reform momentum through full-chain and closed-loop process supervision, shortened the average waiting time for counter business by half, increased the one-time approval rate for public credit by 20%, and doubled the online rate of inclusive business. In the future, the bank will continue to promote process optimization and reengineering, and use technology to empower and improve service quality and efficiency.
In terms of development strategy, Nanjing Bank will orderly promote the implementation of the "12345" strategy, that is, the vision of building "a first-class regional comprehensive financial service provider in China", drive business development and management improvement through two major engines, focus on the three major sectors of corporate finance, retail finance, and financial markets to create more growth points, adhere to four types of thinking to improve customer service levels, and create characteristics in five major areas including science and technology innovation banking, investment banking, wealth banking, transaction banking and digital banking to enhance market competitiveness.
It is worth mentioning that Nanjing Bank said it will thoroughly implement the inclusive concept and be committed to allowing more young people and strivers to enjoy formal financial services. In the next step, it will transfer the risk control and management experience of CFC and Consumer Finance to the parent bank to promote the expansion of consumer finance business.
In the next step, Nanjing Bank will always adhere to the original intention of "finance for the people", comprehensively deepen reforms, focus on doing a good job in the "five major articles", accelerate the improvement of market competitiveness, and strive to become a "domestic first-class regional comprehensive financial service provider".