
Xu Jiayin's sudden news; the share prices of the seven US stock giants plummeted; Coca-Cola had to pay an additional $6 billion | Breakfast


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5 minutes every morning, selected financial information



The total box office in 2024 will exceed 30 billion

According to the data from Lighthouse Professional Edition, as of 16:32 on August 5, the box office (including pre-sales) of the cinema in 2024 exceeded 30 billion. So far, the top three films in the box office in 2024 are "Hot", "Speeding Life 2" and "Catch the Doll".


Honor responds to listing

On August 5, Honor responded to a Beijing Business Daily reporter regarding the listing issue. A relevant person in charge of Honor said that Honor has always adhered to the principle of open and transparent development and will continue to diversify its equity structure. Honor plans to launch the corresponding shareholding reform in the fourth quarter of this year and start the IPO process in due course. Honor will disclose relevant financial data during the corresponding process.

Honor also stated that from January 1, 2021 to the present, Honor has not received any support from the Shenzhen Municipal Government beyond that of ordinary enterprises.


Evergrande sues Xu Jiayin and others to recover $6 billion

According to China Fund News, Xu Jiayin has another big news. On the evening of the 5th, China Evergrande announced that on March 22, 2024, the liquidator initiated legal proceedings in the High Court of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in the name of the company against three defendants, namely Xu Jiayin, the company's former CEO Xia Haijun and the company's former chief financial officer Pan Darong. The lawsuit gradually developed to join the remaining four defendants, namely Xu Jiayin's spouse or former spouse Ding Yumei and three entities related to Xu Jiayin and Ding Yumei.

In the lawsuit, the Company seeks to recover from the seven defendants, among other things, approximately $6 billion (RMB 42 billion) in dividends and remuneration paid by the Company based on its allegedly misrepresented financial statements for the fiscal years ended December 31, 2017 to December 31, 2020. Trading in the Company's shares will remain suspended until further notice.


Lei Jun enters the market

According to The Paper, on August 5, Xiaomi CEO Lei Jun officially entered the live streaming market. On his personal Douyin account "Lei Jun", it can be found that the "Xiaomi Mi Band 9 Series Smart Bracelet" has been launched in his product showcase, priced at 249 yuan, and can be ordered directly. Currently, Lei Jun has a total of 28.441 million fans.


The Chinese Embassy reminds: Travel with caution

Recently, the conflict on the Lebanese-Israeli border has continued to escalate, and an airstrike occurred in Beirut, the capital of Lebanon, causing a large number of casualties. The current security situation in Lebanon is severe and complex.

On August 5, local time, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Chinese Embassy in Lebanon reminded Chinese citizens to pay close attention to the development of the local situation and to be cautious when traveling to Lebanon in the near future. They also reminded Chinese citizens and institutions in Lebanon to remain highly vigilant and strengthen security precautions and emergency preparedness. In case of emergency, please call the police in time and contact the Chinese Embassy in Lebanon for assistance.



The share prices of the seven largest US stocks plummeted

According to Yicai Global on August 5, when the U.S. stock market opened on Monday, the share prices of the "Seven Sisters of Technology" fell. Apple fell more than 10%, Nvidia fell more than 15%, Amazon fell more than 9%, Tesla fell more than 12%, Microsoft fell more than 5%, Google (Alphabet)-A fell more than 5%, and Meta fell more than 6%. By the close of trading, the three major stock indexes in the New York Stock Exchange fell sharply.


Coca-Cola ordered to pay $6 billion in back taxes

According to CCTV Finance on August 5, the Coca-Cola Company of the United States recently stated that according to a ruling of the U.S. Federal Tax Court, the company must pay back $6 billion, or about RMB 42.9 billion, to the U.S. tax department, including $2.7 billion in taxes and $3.3 billion in interest. According to this ruling, Coca-Cola Company made incorrect accounting treatments for its overseas sales between 2007 and 2009, underreporting taxable income of about $9 billion, and therefore must pay back taxes. In response, Coca-Cola Company stated that the U.S. tax department and the court "abused the regulations" and will appeal.


SoftBank's stock price plummeted, and Masayoshi Son's wealth shrank by $4.6 billion in one day

According to China Business News, on August 5, SoftBank Group's stock price plummeted by nearly 19% amid a global sell-off. According to Forbes' real-time billionaire list, SoftBank Group founder Masayoshi Son's net worth shrank by $4.6 billion on Monday alone. Since the close of last Wednesday, SoftBank's market value has evaporated by about $28.3 billion.

Editor: Zhuo Yang

Source: Beijing Business Daily, CCTV Finance, China Fund News, The Paper, China Business News, etc.

Picture丨Lighthouse Professional Edition data screenshots, Evergrande announcement screenshots, platform data screenshots, etc.