
Driven by three major factors, the integration of blood products industry is accelerating


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"The entry of large state-owned central enterprises has become a trend. As the industry concentration continues to increase, competition in mergers and acquisitions and commercialization in the domestic blood products industry will continue to intensify." Recently, a senior person in the blood products industry was interviewed by a reporter from Shanghai Securities News and analyzed the current development status of the domestic blood products industry.

In late July, Boya Bio, a subsidiary of China Resources Pharmaceutical, announced that it plans to use its own funds of RMB 1.82 billion to acquire 100% of the equity of Green Cross Hong Kong Holdings Co., Ltd., which is jointly held by GC, the third largest biopharmaceutical company in South Korea, Synaptic and individual sellers, thereby indirectly acquiring Green Cross (China) Biological Products Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Green Cross China"), a domestic blood product entity. This is the latest case of mergers and acquisitions in the blood product industry after Haier Group planned to invest RMB 12.5 billion in Shanghai RAAS at the beginning of the year.

From Shaanxi state-owned assets taking over Pai Lin Bio, Haier Group taking over Shanghai Lai Shi to Boya Bio's acquisition of Green Cross China, the pace of mergers and acquisitions in the domestic blood products industry has further accelerated since 2023. (Shanghai Securities News)