
There are 8 kinds of idle things in Chinese families. My family has 3 of them. I advise you not to move them home foolishly!


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It is difficult for Chinese people to "let go" because we have the virtue of thriftiness in our bones. Even if things are no longer used, we cannot throw them away. Throwing them away would be a waste.

But have you ever thought aboutUnused items not only take up space in the home, but also need to be cleaned and organized frequently, which is the existence of invisible housework.

Therefore, useless things must be discarded and do not let them become a burden to your refined life. Also, you should think twice before purchasing items. Some things are almost 100% idle, so don't buy them blindly.

Summary of Chinese families"8 major idle"I have three of them at home. I advise you not to be foolish and think of moving them home. After their freshness has passed, they will eventually be left idle, which is a waste.

01.Large coffee table in the living room

When decorating, many people think that the coffee table, TV cabinet and sofa in the living room are equipped with a large card machine as standard, which can meet the storage function.

It can also be used to place some commonly used items, but have you found that the coffee tables in many families are idle? Because the coffee tables are relatively large, they appear crowded when placed in the living room.

In addition, after having children at home, the four corners of the coffee table are easily bumped, and the items on the coffee table are cluttered, and it is still a mess even after cleaning up every day. Therefore, many people now replace all the large coffee tables in their homes with small and exquisite side tables.

Put it next to the sofa, it doesn't take up space and can be used for storage. There is also a place to put water cups and remote controls. It will no longer be messy and will make the living room look more spacious.

02. Big bathtub

Being able to take a hot bath when getting home from get off work is the dream of many people, so they happily install a large bathtub after the renovation. After buying the large bathtub home, they are ecstatic and can take a bath every day, but after using it for a while.

I used it less and less until it was finally unused, because it takes half an hour to take a bath and another half an hour to clean the bathtub. In comparison, taking a shower is faster and saves more time. My bathtub was already filled with miscellaneous items, so I had no choice but to remove it.

03. Treadmill

People who buy treadmills will be slapped in the face in the end. They originally thought that buying a treadmill at home would allow them to exercise every day, and it would be much cheaper than going to a gym outside to manage their membership.

But I could still hold on at the beginning, but gradually I became more and more lazy. I overestimated my self-discipline, and after a long time the treadmill was idle.

My treadmill has been unused for two years. When I first bought it, my friend joked with me that I should buy a bigger one so that I could put more things in it.

I didn't think much of it, but I didn't expect that they would eventually restrict it. I had no choice but to sell it on the second-hand market. In the end, I sold it for 15 yuan with tears in my eyes. I considered it a gift to the right person.

04. Bay Window

When I was decorating, I thought the bay window was a very beautiful place, where I could sit and watch the snow in winter and drink tea in summer.

But have you noticed that after living in a house for a while, the bay window becomes a place to store miscellaneous items?

05. Electric clothes drying rack

The electric clothes drying rack on the balcony is actually a big eyesore. Many people think that clothes drying racks are necessary, but the clothes drying rack on the balcony is

After hanging all the clothes, it not only blocks the light and makes the living room look very dark, but also ruins the view. The messy clothes look ugly.

Nowadays, people no longer install electric clothes drying racks. Instead, they choose side clothes drying racks and put them on the side of the balcony. This way, the clothes are not visible and the living room lighting is not blocked. You can enjoy the scenery outside the window.

06. A guest bedroom for friends and family

The guest bedroom left by relatives and friends has not been used for several years. It was a good idea at first, so that relatives and friends can have a place to stay, but in reality,

When relatives come to our house, they always choose to stay in a hotel outside, and the guest bedroom is left unused all year round and eventually piled with miscellaneous items.

07. Coffee machine

Don’t buy a coffee machine blindly, otherwise it will be idle. Don’t think that after buying a coffee machine, you can have a cup of coffee anytime and anywhere.

For lazy people, the chance of a coffee machine being idle is too high, especially for fully automatic coffee machines which are difficult to clean and have various defects. It is better to just buy a cup of coffee, as the coffee machine will be idle in the end.

08. Carpet

Although carpets can add to the atmosphere of life, there are invisible housework behind the large carpets in the living room. They need to be cleaned every day and taken to the bathroom to be cleaned every few days.

Put it on the balcony to dry. Without carpet, the living room is more spacious and mopping is more convenient. Many families have already abandoned the carpet in the living room.


I have three of the eight unused items in Chinese households: bathtubs, treadmills, and carpets. How many do you have? Do you know any other household items with a particularly high unused rate that you can share in the comments section so that others can avoid them?