
Robert Brackman | Ukrainian-American artist


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Robert Brackman

Robert Blackman

Ukrainian-American painter

— ArtYouhua—

Robert BlackmanRobert Brackman (1898-1980) was a Ukrainian-American artist and teacher, known for his large-scale figure paintings, portraits, and still lifes in a realistic style. He was born on September 25, 1898 in Odessa (now Ukraine).

He came to the United States in 1908. In terms of art education, Brackman studied at the National Academy of Design and the Ferrer School in San Francisco from 1919 to 1921, and studied with Robert Henri and George Bellows in New York. In the early 20th century, he became an important figure in the American art world.

Brackman was not only a successful painter, but also a respected teacher. He taught painting at the Madavisk Art School in Middletown, Connecticut, and also taught at the Art Students League and Silvermine School of Art in New York City. Many famous artists were his students.

As a portraitist, he painted portraits of many celebrities, including John D. Rockefeller, Jr., Charles Lindbergh, and John Foster Dulles, as well as commissioned portraits by the Air Force Academy and the State Department. He also painted a portrait of actress Jennifer Jones as a prop for the 1948 film Portrait of Jeannie, which represented a portrait painted for the character of Eben Adams (Joseph Cotten).

Brachman's works are based on traditional realism, with impressionistic colors and light and shadow treatment. His portraits are highly praised for their delicate brushstrokes and realistic performance. He is also good at still life and landscape paintings, and his works are full of vivid colors and unique light treatment.

Robert Brackman’s art has been exhibited in many exhibitions, including the United Artists Association, the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, and the Society of American Artists. His works are also collected by many art museums and private collections, including the Rhode Island School of Design, the Brooklyn Museum, New London Community College, the Honolulu Academy of Arts, the Newark Museum of Fine Arts, New Jersey, and the Atlanta High Museum.

Robert Brackman died on July 16, 1980 in New London, Connecticut. His artistic career and work are still admired and studied today.

source:Oil Painting World (ID: ArtYouhua), please indicate the source when reprinting.

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