
Bangladesh PM resigns as deadly anti-government rallies sweep country


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After weeks of thrilling anti-government demonstrations, Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina officially announced her resignation on Monday. The decision came against the backdrop of a wave of deadly protests sweeping the country, dealing a huge blow to Bangladesh's political stability.

The announcement by Army Chief General Wakil-Uzzaman marks another major turning point in Bangladesh's political situation. Earlier, protesters broke through numerous barriers and even stormed the prime minister's official residence in the capital Dhaka, further escalating the situation. Pictures from the scene showed vehicles burning in the streets near Hasina's home, with flames shooting into the sky. The police seemed powerless in the face of the surging crowds and had difficulty controlling the situation.

According to CNN's correspondent in Dhaka, earlier in the day, the military and police took action against demonstrators gathered in the area, trying to disperse the crowd, but violent clashes continued. The protesters' demands mainly focused on abolishing the government's job quota system, which has long been controversial and is considered one of the root causes of social injustice and public dissatisfaction.

According to Reuters, since mid-July, large-scale protests have broken out across Bangladesh and quickly turned into deadly violent clashes. So far, at least 91 people have been killed and hundreds injured in confrontations between police and protesters. This protest storm has not only swept the capital Dhaka, but also spread to many parts of the country, causing great social unrest.

Hasina's resignation has undoubtedly added new uncertainty to the political situation in Bangladesh. As the eldest daughter of Bangladesh's founding president Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Hasina holds a pivotal position in the political arena. She has served as prime minister many times and was successfully re-elected in January this year. However, in the face of this unprecedented wave of protests, she finally chose to resign to calm the anger and dissatisfaction of the people.

In the future, how Bangladesh will get out of the shadow of political turmoil and restore social stability and economic development will be a difficult task for the new government. At the same time, this incident also reminds people again that political stability is crucial to the long-term development of a country.

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