
Give the big screen some shock, "Decryption" did it


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This article is the original content of [Tucao Cinema], a signed account of NetEase News NetEase's special content incentive plan. Unauthorized reproduction is prohibited without the account's authorization.

There was a strong wind.

The numbers on the wall seemed to come alive, book pages were flying everywhere, and the thin body of the young boy Rong Jinzhen was rolled up. He gripped the corner of the table tightly and pulled down the desk lamp.

"one two three."

The light slowly illuminates his young face. The long road ahead is full of unknown and irreversible fate...

Less than ten minutes into the movie "Decryption", the audience was drawn into a dream, which also made me understand:

This is a different kind of movie and an unusual journey.

"The Decoded" is adapted from Mai Jia's novel of the same name.

It tells a story that spans a long period of time and has a high intellectual and emotional concentration.

In a turbulent era, mathematical genius Rong Jinzhen (played by Liu Haoran) gave his all to decipher the code, and experienced the ups and downs of life while competing with top brains.

Have you ever imagined what "The Decryption" would look like when it was adapted into a movie?

I really didn't expect that director Chen Sicheng created dreams with dreams, restoring and reshaping this story.

It allows people to reap the long-lost pleasure and immersion of watching movies on the big screen, while also feeling the impact on their souls.

Decryption,It is about following the genius Rong Jinzhen to decipher the code as a viewer, and it is also about reaching another person's heart as an individual.

make dream

It is often said that filming is about creating dreams. This time, "Decryption" actually created ten dreams:

dreamlikeRed Beach, the sea water washes away the traces of the existence of thought; the dying giant creature sees through the passing of life.

The precision and cold-bloodedness of natural laws, and the obstinacy and madness of human beings in pursuit of truth are personified by a touch of red.

BoundlessGolden reed marsh, deep within lies an equally endless spiral.

Running in the sun and searching in the darkness, there is always a hidden desire.

Dreams have no rules and no restrictions, and imagination can create strange and romantic beauty.

The texture of IMAX's specially made shots is infinitely magnified on the big screen, taking people on a journey through a dazzling spectacle, making them almost forget the passage of time.

Everything is so fantastic, yet so real and tangible.

Especially this dream——

It’s a sweet and childlike amusement park, but once you enter it, you’ll feel an overwhelming sense of oppression.

In the last second, the overlapping Ferris wheels rotated in an orderly manner, shining brightly.

The next second, the orderly world suddenly collapsed and crushed everyone, making them terrified in the weightlessness.

Rong Jinzhen's blood vessels on the bed are connected to the wires, and she is trapped in Eniak's room and unable to escape. A strange walrus is chasing her with a gun, and the digital maze comes to life and chases her.

There are even hippies, "Red Lantern" and rock music...

The imagination is extraordinary and the completion is amazing.

Every frame of the picture penetrates into my mind with great penetrating power, making me marvel and reminisce.

What I like most is that the construction of these dreams is not only very imaginative, but also carriesStrong unique aesthetic.

Take the red beach scene for example:

The art and props teams produced 105 tons of specially dyed and cured red sand, and used a wave-making machine to test the interaction between sand and waves. The photography team used 75 LED lights to form an array to simulate the sunset according to the rules of physics... It took 90 days from production to shooting, and ultimately brought unparalleled visual shock.

When I saw this scene on the big screen, the dreamlike feeling was so amazing that it even made me vaguely hope that it was real and that it was the other side I could go to... This shows how strong the experience was.

In addition to the impact of the audio-visual spectacle, "Decryption" also has a breakthrough in narrative:

Dreams are a technique and also a form of expression.

The ten dreams seem complex but are actually rich. The progressive visual shocks are intertwined and echoed with the main narrative, which is a very clever way to connect Rong Jinzhen's talent and growth.

The desk lamp turns on and off, between light and dark, reality and dreams blend together, intuition and intellect embrace each other.

The ten dreams are also ten levels, from a teenager with acne to a silent and majestic leader, and then to a tragic hero who has run out of energy.

Rong Jinzhen walked towards the end of his life while struggling with his dreams, and you and I also touched the progress bar of his life through one dream after another.

Looking back, I found that so many details can be traced.

The huge chess set and teapots and teacups in the amusement park weave together the best time in Rong Jinzhen’s life.

Does the crushing and destruction of the Ferris wheel symbolize his inevitable farewell and loss?

No spoilers.

What is certain is that the coexistence of on-the-spot shock and room for interpretation makes the spectacular impact of "The Decryption" not just momentary, but also has a long-lasting vitality.

Shaping People

You have definitely never seen Liu Haoran like this——

He has sparse hair, a thin body, a timid demeanor, and speaks very fast while always avoiding other people's sight.

I couldn't recognize it at first glance, but after looking at it again, I was deeply attracted.

He is able to show off his outward appearance while pulling back his inner temperament, and he tells the story of a legendary individual against a grand background with ease.

Rong Jinzhen is a genius.

When he was a child, he could calculate the number of days a person would live without thinking. When he grew up, he was admitted to the mathematics department of a university with a perfect score in mathematics. He even proposed marriage using Morse code...

His talent makes him unable to distinguish the boundary between dreams and reality, and his socialization level is extremely low: he is accompanied by numbers when he wakes up and plays puzzles in his dreams. He tries to learn the relationship between people through observation and calculation.

But his talent also pulled him out of his predetermined life, led him to meet relatives, friends, mentors, and enemies, and also guided him to engage in the career of code-breaking.

He is also a marginal person.

As the illegitimate son of the Rong family, he was neglected and spent almost his entire childhood in a cold room, where he was brought up by Mr. Yang, who was good at interpreting dreams.

After Mr. Yang passed away, he moved to the home of Xiao Li Li (played by Daniel Wu), the president of the university.

Even though Xiao Lili's family treated him like a close family, he was mentally prepared to be persuaded to leave at any time.

The scene of packing luggage on a rainy night is both funny and heartbreaking. The most touching detail is that the couple only have two or three pieces of clothing in their luggage.

Talent and loneliness, strength and fragility, restraint and madnessThe seemingly contradictory qualities converge in Rong Jinzhen to create an extraordinary brilliance, which is in line with our imagination of "genius".

But the ambition of "Decoded" is not only to present the appearance of genius, but also to touch the truth and depth of the individual.

Just like the core of decryption is not to decipher numbers, but to reach the human heart, Rong Jinzhen carries dual meanings in narrative and human nature.

How to get close to him, touch him, and understand him?

Chen Sicheng has done a good job of striking a balance between legendary feeling and flesh and blood in shaping the characters.

first,The film presents a thrilling "decoding" battle on the hidden front of a special era without gunpowder smoke, which made people sweat.

How to present?

Find an opponent for Rong Jinzhen.

Of course there is more than one genius - Rong Jinzhen and Professor Shees (John Cusack), two mathematical geniuses, seem destined to meet.

During their college years, the two of them developed a bond of mutual respect and competition through one chess game after another.

The "Riddler" Xi Yisi set up many psychological traps, while the "Dream Interpreter" Rong Jinzhen could always keenly point out his subconscious crises.

The frequent jump cuts are like jumping thoughts. They are playing chess and also surpassing themselves.

In this process, the excitement of the showdown continues to pile up.

World War II ended and the Cold War began.

The two were separated by fate across the ocean, and a new round of long-distance confrontation began.

Xi Yisi is the one who sets the questions. He designed all his life's learning into a complex coded maze; Rong Jinzhen is the one who solves the questions. He has spent his entire life searching for a way to solve the questions.

The process of setting and decrypting codes contains a secret dialogue between teachers and students, and the montage of the battle of wits across the ocean connects the volatile international situation.

From Purple Code to Black Code, the higher the difficulty of cracking it, the greater the spark of the brain battle.

The emotions accumulated before will pour out at the moment of cracking, making people unable to restrain their inner screams.

Another focus of atmosphere creation is around the mysterious Department 701.

Rong Jinzhen was led to knock on the door of 701, and at the same time, he also led the audience step by step to the core mystery and truth.

Whether it is the red gate at the end of the dark green bamboo forest, or the "chess madman" who keeps muttering to himself, A Bing, who is responsible for listening to the code.

Even the intercepting machine, punched cards, and tens of thousands of numbers on the wall of Rong Jinzhen's room made people curious...

All the details echo this sentence: "The password is a weapon."

While letting genius dance with numbers and dreams, subtle emotional clues also make the legendary life come true.

The affection between Rong Jinzhen and Xiao Lili's family flows in the two large bowls of tea that he held up.

The first time is when you first arrive, and the second time is when you meet again after a long separation.

Raising the bowl twice, in two different situations, with two different identities, yet with the same warmth and care, it speaks volumes about “wherever my heart is, there is my home.”

It is also this kind of kinship that transcends blood ties and the bond between people that has time and again tolerated and comforted Rong Jinzhen's infinitely expanding crazy dreams, making the extraordinary genius become "human".

The best example of this is Rong Jinzhen’s ultimate decision at the end of the film.

It's not just the transcendental nature of genius, but also the softness and brightness of humanity.

Behind Rong Jinzhen's growth, there are countless ordinary people.

In that special era, they devoted themselves without hesitation, just to save more lives and guard the dawn of tomorrow.

For example, Lao Zheng (played by Chen Daoming), who never revealed his name, Vasily (played by Wang Yutian), who was taciturn and did not know how to express himself, and the ambitious people in Unit 701 who also devoted their youth and energy to deciphering the code...

Their real names and stories may not be recorded, but their spirit will be forever engraved in the long river of history.

Looking back and thinking carefully, we will find that Xiao Lili, Xi Yisi and Lao Zheng appeared in different stages of Rong Jinzhen's life, becoming his life mentors and, to some extent, also taking on the role of "father".

Especially the first two, who taught Rong Jinzhen knowledge and morality respectively, and told him the definition of "country" from different cultural perspectives.

The two answers echo each other and run through Rong Jinzhen's growth and destiny——

He first learned to ask himself in the chaos: Who am I and what do I love?

As his life progressed step by step, he began to explore: What can I do for this love?

Finally, he found an exit in the boundless dream and the weight of reality to realize himself.

At the end of the movie, a number stung me - 11,717 days, 32 years, Rong Jinzhen's life.

Life is like a riddle, and death is like the answer. Throughout his short life, he always used his genius mind to play games with the huge destiny, and also fought and reconciled with his rich and lonely dreams.

He never asked for anything and never made a fuss, but instead devoted his entire life to fulfilling his mission and protecting a pure land for countless compatriots.

The lights came on, Rong Jinzhen's story ended, but I was still immersed in the ultimate experience brought by the big screen.

It was like having a wonderful dream, and the background music of the dream was the Beatles song "I Am The Walrus" that Chen Sicheng bought for a large sum of money.

The fantastic and mysterious music style takes me through walruses, egg men, wheels, whirlpools...

Wake up and realize more deeply that the meaning of "dream" isOutput of film industry strength

Whether it is the stunning presentation of visual spectacles or the innovation in narrative and expression, they are all important contributions to the development of China's film industry.

Behind this is the filmmakers' pursuit of novelty and truth, as well as the expectations of countless audiences to watch a "real movie" and linger in the dream-making on the big screen.

I highly recommend you watch the IMAX version, which will allow you to more intuitively experience the audiovisual impact of "Decoded," and also allow you to more delicately see the sharpness and passion of the creative team in weaving and polishing the film.

Ten years is a dream.

Fortunately, there are still people willing to "dream" like this.

As a viewer, I immensely enjoy the journey of “decoding” on the big screen.

This article is the original content of [Tucao Cinema], a signed account of NetEase News NetEase's special content incentive plan