
Even after a thousand years, I will still be moved by her beauty


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This article is the original content of [Tucao Cinema], a signed account of NetEase News NetEase's special content incentive plan. Unauthorized reproduction is prohibited without the account's authorization.

I have participated in many movie premieres, but this is my first time to come to the West Lake and have an immersive experience of going both ways.

"White Snake: Floating Life" really understands the sense of ritual. Every beautiful scene on the scene makes me want to scream.

A huge screen stands above the shimmering lake, and the audience sits beside a painted bridge with willows and mist.

While watching the movie, the reflection on the screen ripples with the West Lake, with smoke lingering on both sides and neon lights flashing in the distance.

The elegant style of the Song Dynasty flows before my eyes like a scroll painting, and the wind of a thousand years blows in my ears. Xu Xian and White Snake are clearly in the "story", but they seem to be right beside me...

The wonderful and beautiful interaction that breaks the boundaries of time and space is so romantic that it makes me want to cry.

West Lake, summer night, Legend of the White Snake,While the atmosphere is maximized, Chinese aesthetics is also presented to the extreme.

Every detail and every clever idea can show the seriousness and care of the promotion of "White Snake: Floating Life". Anyone can say that "a thousand years of waiting" has really become "the first time in a thousand years".

Watching a movie in such an environment, the immersion and empathy are so strong that it is hard to describe.

Looking at Xiaobai, Xu Xian and Xiaoqing standing alive in the light and shadow, the cultural DNA in my bones patted me.

The familiar story took on a new light and hit my heart all over again.

Aesthetic eye wash

The rain continues to drizzle and the green willows sway in the wind.

On the Broken Bridge of West Lake, oil-paper umbrellas hold up flowers in the rain.

Xu Xian picked up the pearl hairpin on the ground, chased after her, and called out "girl" to stop Xiaobai.

Looking back, the bond that has lingered for a thousand years is frozen, and the love of this life begins...

Five years have passed, and I still remember the aesthetic impact of "White Snake: Origin" like a splash-ink landscape painting, and the touching love between the snake demon Xiaobai and the young man Xu Xuan.

"White Snake 2: The Tribulation of the Green Snake" takes a different approach and focuses on Xiaoqing's adventures in Shura City after Xiaobai was imprisoned in Leifeng Pagoda for saving Xu Xian.

This important missing piece of the puzzle is now filled in by "White Snake: Floating Life"——In terms of the story, "Floating Life" follows "Origin", tells the romantic story of how Xiaobai returns to the human world to repay his gratitude 500 years later and continues his relationship with Xu Xian in this life. It is the main story and also the final chapter.

At the beginning of the movie, Xu Xian picked up the pearl hairpin dropped by Xiaobai, which triggered the emotional bond of past and present lives.

Before I could start eating, the "camera" zoomed out and I was amazed by its beauty.

The misty Jiangnan, written about thousands of times by literati and poets, can be touched and felt at this moment.

beautiful, is the most intuitive feeling brought by "White Snake: Floating Life".

Xu Xian and Xiao Bai rode the wind in the Nine Creeks and Eighteen Streams, where the flowing water and lush flowers were beautiful beyond measure; Kunlun Mountain was covered in snow and snow, like a fairyland; the Qiantang River was surging with white waves, and the momentum was like a rainbow...

Watching the grand scene on the big screen is so overwhelmingly beautiful that you won’t even blink.

The delicate depiction of the Song Dynasty market makes this beauty even more vivid.Fresh

Following the footsteps of Xiaobai and Xiaoqing, walking through the streets, alleys, restaurants and teahouses, it is like embarking on an immersive tour of the Song Dynasty.

Walking from beginning to end of the bustling streets, you will enter the colorful life of the people of the Song Dynasty.

Amid the hustle and bustle, there were people wearing masks and breathing fire to make a living, people flipping pots to sell "broken gold rice", and people performing the art of breaking rocks with their chests...

If you look closely, you will find that even the "delivery men" AKA peddlers, the small vendors who take a break to drink tea, and the pig farmers who travel across the country all have their own backgrounds.

A "3D version of Along the River During the Qingming Festival" appears vividly before our eyes.

The city scene and the daily life of the people suddenly become full of vitality, and the Song Dynasty lifestyle is perfectly grasped.

I also like the creator's narrative ingenuity -Connecting the various flavors of life with traditional festivals and folk customs

Eat Qingtuan during the Cold Food Festival and go boating on the lake; race dragon boats during the Dragon Boat Festival and drink realgar wine; enjoy lanterns during the Mid-Autumn Festival, when the moon is full but people are not; and play in the tides during the Double Ninth Festival, feeling homesick…

Every festival is full of atmosphere. It not only records the passage of time, but also evokes your and my feelings through customs that have not changed for thousands of years.

Especially the green rice dumplings, rice dumplings, flower cakes and braised pork, which are oily and chewy, and my taste buds and heart are awakened at the same time.

They are no longer tourists from the Song Dynasty who were just sightseeing, but have become people in the "floating life" and truly feel the resonance that spans thousands of years.

True love

From "Origin" to "Calamity" to "Floating Life", the core of the "White Snake Series" always falls into oneAffectionCharacter.

The first two movies brought tears to my eyes, so I had tissues ready this time. Unexpectedly, "White Snake: Floating Life" made me laugh out loud first.

In this life, Xiaobai and Xu Xian met on the Broken Bridge and got married. Together with his sister Xiaoqing and brother-in-law Li Gongfu, they formed a big family and lived happily together.

Xiaobai and Xu Xian treat each other with respect, and their mutual understanding is sweeter than the vows made by husband and wife.

Xiaobai understands Xu Xian's kindness and honesty, and is determined to help him open a drugstore and save people; Xu Xian respects Xiaobai's tenacity and nobleness, and always takes his wife's words as the truth.

Xiaoqing is still sharp-tongued and makes fun of her brother-in-law in various ways. The two of them are very funny when they are in the same frame.

A series of "dog punches" were thrown out, inadvertently revealing signs of reincarnation.

The puppy in the previous life became a family member in this life, help... Who can understand such touching details!

Simple daily life is imbued with true affectionWhen you watch it and the corners of your mouth unconsciously rise, you will understand why Xiaobai yearns for the simple happiness of this earthly world.

However, with the appearance of Baoqingfangzhu and Fahai, the peaceful life was broken and the sense of fate gradually became full.

Is the sentence of Baoqingfangzhu, "How can humans and demons stay together forever", a foreshadowing or a warning?

Fahai appeared in Lin'an with his mythical beast, the golden-haired lion. He was so handsome that I was shocked as soon as he appeared.

As soon as I opened my mouth... I felt a chill down my spine.

Fahai, who vows to eradicate all monsters, is about to confront Xiaobai and Xiaoqing, which also puts Xianbai's marriage to the test of many obstacles in life.

Fahai, you don't understand love, but you are really handsome

The reason why the story of Xianbai has lasted for so long is thatIt combines strong inclusiveness and contradictions, and captures the unchanging emotion in the ever-changing world.

The "White Snake Series" is a series that expands the scope of the film and is not limited to love. It explores the opposition between humans and demons, good and evil, and the laws of nature and true feelings throughout.

In "White Snake: Floating Life", the depiction of emotional values ​​is more delicate and the colors are more intense.

On the one hand, the love between Xianyu and Bai Yi is solidified step by step through famous scenes such as borrowing an umbrella while boating on the lake, meeting on the Broken Bridge, and stealing herbs from the fairy mountain.

On the other hand, it also allows the most simple Chinese values ​​such as loyalty, integrity and bravery to quietly penetrate into the daily details and the ups and downs of love and hate.

I still remember Xu Xuan’s words, “There are many evil people with two legs in the world, so what if he has a tail?” It deeply moved Xiaobai and shocked countless audiences.

What impressed me about this life of Xian Bai was the details that echoed each other:Return a favor

Xiaobai knew early on that life is like dew, but she was determined to find Xu Xian to repay his kindness, to fulfill her wish, and also because of her unrequited love.

After Xu Xian got to know Xiaobai, fell in love with her, he did not take her love for granted, nor did he recognize the rule that humans and demons have different paths.

In his opinion, "A day as husband and wife is a day of grace, a hundred days of love", so how can he not repay his wife's favor with all his heart?

Therefore, he wanted to save his beloved, and even with his tiny body, he dared to rush into the cage of worldly prejudice.

In terms of narrative, "White Snake: Floating Life" reconstructs the classic from a modern perspective.

It not only follows the familiar storyline and retains the emotional core, but also brings new ideas to the story, making people laugh and move at the same time.

The reincarnation settings of the puppy Dudou and my brother-in-law Li Gongfu also satisfied the hopes of countless people, including me.

Many details make people believe that life is ever-changing, but love is eternal.

It is these delicate and innovative remodeling that made me seeThe underlying theme of Chasing the Light - doing great things quietly, focusing on making animations honestly.

Know what the audience wants to see and let the audience see more——

Watch lifeThe national style and charm of the Song Dynasty and the bustling city life from a thousand years ago come to your face, giving you an immersive experience of the life and entertainment of people in the Song Dynasty.

Look at emotions, Xianbai's two-way rush breaks the boundaries of time and space, and they stick to their sincerity despite numerous difficulties and obstacles. The mortals in the secular world also demonstrate good morals, bravely do good, and repay kindness.

Another important point is,Look at culture——

Traditional stories have been passed down for thousands of years, why do they still shine?

The constantly breaking through cutting-edge technology and profound cultural heritage weave together to create a deafening resonance on the big screen.

Wonderful spectacle

Last year, a movie called "30,000 Miles in Chang'an" refreshed our understanding of the "Tang Dynasty Stars".

The poems that have been passed down for thousands of years are not based on bookish knowledge, but rather penetrate the cracks of history and build the character of the Tang Dynasty with the poets' flesh and blood.

The same is true for "White Snake: Floating Life".

Seeing through the cultural heritage, first conquer my senses with visual wonders.

The most mysterious character, Baoqingfangzhu, appears with a new skin and unlocks singing and dancing skills.

On the folding stage, she danced in red dress and long sleeves, interpreting the world's emotions, and every word and sentence seemed like a hint.

What is also attractive is the mechanical device, which works magically when pulled and released, causing birds to fly away in fright and the Buddha's light to shine everywhere, instantly increasing the eerie atmosphere of the play within the play.

When I watched it, I thought this show was very interesting. The "drone" carried by the two little followers could actually glide freely.

I found out after searching that it was reallyThe "black technology" of the ancients, Luban wooden magpie

In the "Mozi·Luwen" there is a record that "Gongshuzi cut bamboo and wood to make a magpie. When it was finished, it flew for three days without landing."

Today this technology has long been lost, but fortunately there are still animators who can restore the fantastic ideas and wisdom from thousands of years ago on the big screen.

There is another scene that is also quite ingenious:

After drinking the realgar wine, Xiaobai revealed his true form as a python, and frightened Xu Xian so much that he lost two of his three souls.

There is only one way to save his life, go to Kunlun Mountain to pick magic herbs.

But there is no time left, what should I do?

Don't worry, Baoqingfangzhu took outA small Boshan furnace brings great shock

The abbot blew a breath, and Xiaobai, holding the sword, rushed directly into the mountains and the vast sea of ​​smoke.

I'm surprised that our Xianbai actually has his own "Anywhere Door" assist!

The Boshan furnace was originally an incense burner, and got its name because its shape resembles a fairy mountain on the sea.

The furnace cover is carved like mountains and covered with cloud patterns. When spices are burned in the furnace, curling smoke slowly dissipates from the hollow mountain shape, like fairy air.

Turning these classic cultural relics into "props" for Xiaobai to enter the mountains is both beautiful and ingenious, which is perfect.

In the mountains, Xiaobai and the White Crane Boy were chasing each other in a very interesting way. When the time for a plate of incense was almost up, Xiaobai's pace suddenly increased. The whole process was pleasing to the eyes and exciting.

After watching the movie, I couldn't help but add the small incense burner to my shopping cart...

There are many similar designs in the movie.The oriental aesthetics and traditional culture that are unique to us Chinese people, with the support of the animation technology that has made another leap forward by chasing light, has achieved the effect of 1+1>2

Including action scenes, one can also see the delicate portrayal from the majestic momentum.

for example:

Xiaobai has different python forms in the movie, with distinct scales, crystal clear, and can be seen clearly whether open or closed.

The best part is that even the emotions in the eyes are clearly discernible.

When Xiaoqing revealed her true form, her head and neck were covered with webbed feet, and fins stood up on her back, as sharp as her temperament.

The scene where Qingbai fights against Fahai is amazing.

Fahai set up a magic circle that shone with golden light, and a huge golden-haired beast approached with terrifying momentum.

When the magic circle faded, red lotuses danced in the sky, and murderous intent and vitality coexisted in the beauty.

As the final chapter of the "White Snake Story", "White Snake: Floating Life" once again demonstrated the technology, sincerity and creativity of Light Chaser.

Every frame is imbued with the charm of Chinese aesthetics and traditional culture, adding a lot of innovative ideas to the smooth narrative, giving the classics a new look.vitality

After watching a movie by the West Lake yesterday, it felt like drinking a pot of cold brewed tea, refreshing and leaving a lingering fragrance on my lips and teeth. It was the most comfortable enjoyment in this hot summer day.

When I think back to the details in the movie today, I can’t help but remember the silly look on my face when I was a child, wearing a mosquito net and cosplaying as White Snake casting spells.

At that time, I just watched it for fun, but now I understand why the Legend of the White Snake will still be our "white moonlight" even after a thousand years.

becauseThe story is engraved with the unique cultural and aesthetic DNA of the Chinese people, and contains the most simple and sincere emotional values.

I'm already planning on watching the movie a second time on Valentine's Day, and I'm sure I'll discover more interesting and touching "easter eggs".

Thanks to the creators and the big screen, Xiaobai's glance back and Xu Xian's "wife" brought me back to the most carefree time and let me reminisce the beautiful throbbing.

It also makes me believe that the legend of Xianbai is being performed and the romance of life will never stop.

This article is the original content of [Tucao Cinema], a signed account of NetEase News NetEase's special content incentive plan