
Can adjusting posture "cure" children's scoliosis? Parents should pay attention to these misunderstandings


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During the summer vacation, the number of children coming to major hospitals for scoliosis correction has increased significantly. Data shows that the number of primary and secondary school students in my country with scoliosis is estimated to be more than 5 million. There are many types of scoliosis, the most common type is "idiopathic scoliosis", which is more common in girls, with a ratio of about 7:1 to boys.

It is reported that most scoliosis occurs during adolescence, which is calledAdolescent idiopathic scoliosis, is a common disease that seriously endangers the physical and mental health of young people, with high incidence and hidden onset.If not treated in time, it will not only affect body shape, but may also lead to abnormal cardiopulmonary function.

Most scoliosis in adolescents not related to poor posture

In recent years, with the popularization of spinal health screening, scoliosis correction has become a new hot topic in parenting. Some parents believe that their children's scoliosis is caused by bad posture, such as always sitting crookedly or lying on their stomach to read, and that it can be "cured" by adjusting the posture. Is this really the case?

Experts told reporters that, in fact, scoliosis caused or aggravated by bad posture only accounts for a very small part of adolescent scoliosis. This type of scoliosis itself is unlikely to develop into a severe condition and is a reversible "pseudo-scoliosis". In the "Technical Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Abnormal Spinal Curvature in Children and Adolescents", this type of scoliosis is called "non-structural scoliosis", which refers to temporary scoliosis caused by certain reasons.

Liu Haiying, Director of the Department of Spine Surgery at Peking University People's Hospital and Leader of the National Child and Adolescent Scoliosis Prevention and Control Working Group:The entire scoliosis is divided into pseudoscoliosis and true scoliosis. The so-called true scoliosis covers idiopathic scoliosis of unknown cause, which accounts for 60 to 70 percent of scoliosis. The other 10 to 20 percent is congenital, caused by spinal and spinal cord malformations due to embryonic maldevelopment during the mother's pregnancy. The so-called pseudoscoliosis is postural scoliosis. I think it is incorrect to include this in scoliosis.

Experts say,Most cases of adolescent scoliosis are not caused by poor posture and cannot be corrected by adjusting posture.Regarding the etiology of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis, current research results show that it may be related to genes,hormoneThere is a certain relationship between secretion and nervous system, but it is only a possible correlation and cannot be determined as a clear cause of the disease.

Are posture correction products necessary to prevent scoliosis?

Since many parents believe that their children's scoliosis is caused by sitting posture, etc., and that adjusting the posture can "cure" it, various "sitting correctors" and other correction products are also very popular on many online platforms. Is it necessary for children to use them?

Liu Haiying, Director of the Department of Spine Surgery at Peking University People's Hospital and Leader of the National Child and Adolescent Scoliosis Prevention and Control Working Group:Over-treatment and excessive panic are not recommended. We should make scientific judgments. If children or adolescents are suspected of having scoliosis, they should go to a regular hospital for regular diagnosis and treatment to rule out the possibility that it is not true scoliosis. The so-called true scoliosis, idiopathic scoliosis, as for the degree of wearing a brace, the internationally recognized effective degree should be between 20 and 40 degrees. Bracing is only effective when such a large degree appears. Mild scoliosis below 20 degrees does not require bracing. With active exercise in daily life, such as swimming, pull-ups, and sports rehabilitation, its development can be completely controlled.

Experts say that braces are indeed used as a correction tool in the conservative treatment of scoliosis, but they need to be customized according to the patient's condition under the guidance of a doctor.

These symptoms indicate that the child may have scoliosis

In recent years, scoliosis screening has been launched nationwide. Adolescents aged 10 to 15 are in their second growth and development period, which is also the high-risk period for scoliosis. Parents should pay special attention to the growth and development of children in this age group. Discovering scoliosis during this period and intervening and correcting it can achieve good prognosis results.

Expert advice:

Pay attention to your child's living habits, change sedentary behavior, and correct bad standing and sitting postures. Arrange study and rest time reasonably, and control the use of electronic products. Increase physical activity and exercise, and appropriately increase spinal exercises. Regularly observe the external manifestations of your child's body shape and observe whether there is a difference in height on both sides of the back. If there is a problem such as uneven height or tilt on one side, it is recommended to go to a medical institution in time for treatment as soon as possible.

Liu Haiying, Director of the Department of Spine Surgery at Peking University People's Hospital and Leader of the National Child and Adolescent Scoliosis Prevention and Control Working Group:In some cases, three horizontal and one vertical measurements are needed to observe the child's shoulder blades, shoulders, and armpits. The most effective way is to let him bend 90 degrees regularly and look down at his back. You can quickly see if there is scoliosis.

Usually, forThe side bend angle is less than 20 degreesChildren, under the guidance of doctorsDo some basic exercises and have regular checkups, observe the disease progression,20 to 40 degreesScoliosismustInterventionIf the curve is larger or progresses rapidly, surgery may be necessary.

Liu Haiying, Director of the Department of Spine Surgery at Peking University People's Hospital and Leader of the National Child and Adolescent Scoliosis Prevention and Control Working Group:Parents are reminded that in addition to exercise, regular check-ups are required every six months. If rapid progression is found in the X-ray or 3D ultrasound, a brace should be used, so regular check-ups are very important.