
Jiyue CEO accuses competitors of plagiarism, replicating Porsche pixel by pixel. Will it be Ferrari's turn to copy next?


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Sanyan Technology reported on August 5 that recently, Xia Yiping, CEO of Jiyue Automobile, released a video saying that some people have recently complained about Jiyue's cars, saying that Jiyue has no door handles and is not as good as a certain car. Xia Yiping said that everyone should just promote themselves, but don't drag down Jiyue.

Xia Yiping said, "When did innovation become a mistake? Just imagine, if no one innovated, cars might still be the 'three-wheeled vehicle' shape of 100 years ago. The shape of the Jiyue is completely independently designed by us Chinese. From streamline to shape, we did not copy anyone. Unlike some cars that seem to be very popular, they copied all the European supercars, and some are even pixel-level replicas of Porsche and McLaren. Is it Ferrari's turn to copy next?"

Xia Yiping said that we all worked on new energy and original design, and finally gained international recognition for Chinese cars and Chinese design, which raised the tone of Chinese cars. Now we are being led astray by some teammates. In the development process of the automobile industry, reasonable reference is normal, but we should not put the cart before the horse.