
Buffett's company sold off Apple shares in large quantities! What does this signal?


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Source: CCTV Finance

According to CNN, on the 3rd local time, Berkshire Hathaway, owned by the well-known American investor Buffett, released its second quarter 2024 financial report. The financial report shows thatThe company reduced its holdings of Apple shares in the second quarter from 789 million shares in the first quarter to about 400 million shares, a decrease of nearly 50%.

Berkshire Hathaway sold a net $75.5 billion worth of stocks in the second quarter, bringing the company's cash reserves to a record $276.9 billion (about 1.98 trillion yuan), compared with $189 billion at the end of the first quarter.

As of the end of the second quarter, 72% of the total fair value of Berkshire Hathaway's equity investments were concentrated in Apple ($84.2 billion), Bank of America ($41.1 billion), American Express ($35.1 billion), Coca-Cola ($25.5 billion) and Chevron ($18.6 billion).

Previously, Berkshire Hathaway had reduced its holdings of Apple shares by 13% in the first quarter. Buffett said at the company's shareholders meeting in May:The reduction in Apple shares was due to tax reasons after the investment achieved significant gains, rather than based on a long-term judgment on Apple stock.

Reporter: Tan Li