
German Defense Minister visits the Philippines for the first time to show his presence in the Indo-Pacific


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[Global Times reporter Guo Yuandan, Global Times special correspondent in Germany Qingmu] German Defense Minister Pistorius met with Philippine Defense Minister Teodoro in Manila on the 4th, and the two sides decided to deepen the military cooperation between the two countries. This is the first time in history that a German defense minister has visited the Philippines. Experts interviewed by the Global Times on the 4th believe that the essence of Germany's "presence" in the Asia-Pacific region is to cater to the US "Indo-Pacific Strategy" and highlight its speculative nature.

On August 4, 2024, local time, in Manila, the Philippines, German Defense Minister Pistorius met with Philippine Defense Minister Teodoro. (Visual China)

This year marks the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Germany and the Philippines. The two countries are seeking to deepen military cooperation at a time when tensions in the South China Sea are rising. According to Reuters on the 4th, the two sides signed a defense cooperation agreement and vowed to maintain a rules-based international order in the "Indo-Pacific region." The two sides pledged to establish a long-term military cooperation relationship, including expanding training cooperation and bilateral exchanges, exploring opportunities to expand bilateral arms cooperation and carry out joint projects.

"Pistorius plans to sign a military agreement with the Philippines", according to German TV One on the 4th, Germany and the Philippines hope to strengthen military cooperation. The Philippine Defense Minister expressed his hope to cooperate with Germany in armament projects, soldier education and training, and military cybersecurity. Pistorius also proposed possible cooperation in the fields of air defense, navy and military transport aircraft. The report said, "In view of the increasing pressure from the Chinese Navy on the Philippines, reaching a military and political agreement with Germany will be a major diplomatic gain for the Philippine government." According to Deutsche Welle on the 4th, the two countries plan to establish the rules and goals for deepening military cooperation in a defense policy treaty in October this year, at the latest by the end of the year.

Before visiting the Philippines, Pistorius had visited Hawaii and South Korea. During his visit to Hawaii, Pistorius boarded a German ship participating in the multinational exercise "RIMPAC 2024"; during his visit to South Korea, Germany joined the United States-led "United Nations Command" in South Korea and became the 18th member of the command. Pistorius said that Germany should be more involved in Indo-Pacific affairs, and the challenges in Europe and the Indo-Pacific region are more closely linked than ever before. However, Pistorius said in Manila on the 4th that Germany's commitment to the "Indo-Pacific region" "is not directed at any country."

According to the German Ministry of Defense website on the 4th, the German Navy will visit Manila in early September for a port visit. In addition, Germany will also conduct naval exercises with one or more partner countries. Germany's Die Welt said that Germany's new presence in the "Indo-Pacific region" can be seen as a signal to Washington to abide by its continued support for Ukraine so as not to lose its support for Ukraine.

Military expert Zhang Junshe said in an interview with the Global Times on the 4th that the main reason for the strengthening of military cooperation between Germany and the Philippines is that Germany has made its attitude clear to the United States through practical actions. "From public reports, a key area of ​​military cooperation between the two sides is military equipment. In the future, Germany can sell aircraft, missiles, command and control and other military equipment to the Philippines, which will help the Philippine army improve its combat capabilities. However, many US allies, including Germany, are currently mired in the quagmire of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. It is a question mark how much substantive help they can provide to the Philippines. It is very likely that they are willing but unable to do so."

Zhang Junshe also told the Global Times reporter that Germany is increasing its "presence" in the Asia-Pacific region on the one hand to cater to the US's "Indo-Pacific Strategy", and on the other hand, Germany also hopes to use this to highlight its influence and role in the "Indo-Pacific region". "This is a speculative mentality."