
Academicians born after 1990 are also very fashionable


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Academicians born after 1990 are also very fashionable

On July 22, the hot summer was just over in Beijing's Xiangshan Mountain. The reporter from West China Metropolis Daily and Cover News arrived at the Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences half an hour in advance for the interview scheduled at 10 a.m. to debug the filming equipment. Just a few minutes after arriving at the Jingtian Building to take out the equipment, a sound of footsteps came from the empty corridor on the 4th floor. We walked out of the stairwell and met Academician Kuang Tingyun, who arrived half an hour earlier.
It was still the same lake green top, paired with the familiar flared jeans, but this time there were a few little butterflies on the jeans. Academician Kuang warmly invited the reporter to her office.
Before we even sat down, Academician Kuang took out a few cups of milk tea from the small refrigerator in her office to treat us. "This is delicious. It's too hot here. Drink some water." She didn't care about the sweat running down her neck. She pushed out a computer chair and sat down. Without any delay, the interview began.
In addition to scientific research topics, Academician Kuang Tingyun also talked to us about dressing. She always likes to wear bright clothes in her life and has her own aesthetic taste. Whether it is the purple bell-bottom pants at the "She" Forum of World Top Scientists or the red dress at the National Progress Science Award ceremony, she can always be found in a crowd.
"You see, I wore red skirts when I was studying in the Soviet Union. I have become more restrained now, and I am thinner now. I don't think I look as good as before." When talking about dressing, Kuang immediately picked up his phone and found the photo in the album. In her youth, she seemed to have always been accompanied by bright colors. Even as she gets older, she still has that bright color.
Unexpectedly, this "post-90s" guy has something even more trendy to say, "I'm from Zizhou, did you know that? Daolang and I are from the same hometown, and there are many celebrities from Zizhou." Although we are not much older than the actor in "The First Snow of 2002", we are also receiving little-known scientific knowledge from the academician. It turns out that the academician does not only do scientific research, she can also be so trendy.
Kuang Tingyun said: "I have been studying photosynthesis all my life. People call me a 'light chaser'. I have been chasing light for more than 60 years. This is my persistence, love and passion for my profession. People always pursue light."
Huaxi Metropolis Daily-Cover News reporter Che Jiazhu and trainee reporter He Hongjie