
Japan encounters extreme high temperatures and many places issue "heat stroke alerts"


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Many parts of Japan were hit by a heat wave on August 3.Temperatures in some areas approach 40 degrees CelsiusThe Japan Meteorological Agency and the Ministry of the Environment issued a "heat stroke alert" to 37 first-level administrative regions across the country that day, reminding the public to take precautions against heat stroke.

According to Japanese media reports, temperatures rose across a wide range of Japan on the 3rd. As of 17:00 local time, 291 of the 914 observation sites across the country recorded temperatures above 35 degrees Celsius, a record high this year.The highest temperature in Shimanto City, Kochi Prefecture, was 39.8 degrees Celsius that day.The Japan Meteorological Agency and the Ministry of the Environment reported37 of the 47 prefectures in Japan have issued a "heat stroke alert"The Japan Meteorological Agency predicts that hot weather will continue in many places on the 4th, and some areas will still experienceTemperatures approaching 40 degrees Celsius

123 people died of suspected heat stroke in Tokyo in July

The continuous heat wave has caused a surge in the number of people suffering from heat stroke in Japan recently. The Tokyo Fire Department said that in July, 91,600 people in Tokyo were rushed to the hospital for heat stroke, nearly 2,600 more than the same period last year, the highest number since relevant statistics were collected in 1936. According to statistics from the Tokyo Metropolitan Medical Office,The number of people who died from heat stroke in Tokyo in July was 123, an increase of 28 from the same period last year.Most of the dead were elderly people. The Japan Meteorological Agency said the average temperature across Japan in July was the highest since statistics began in 1898.