
Foreign media: Hamas political bureau leader Haniyeh was killed in an attack, Biden said it was "not conducive" to ceasefire negotiations


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[Global Times Report] According to reports from Reuters, CNN and other media, regarding the "assassination of Ismail Haniyeh, leader of the Political Bureau of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), in Iran," US President Biden told reporters on August 1 local time that this was "not conducive" to negotiations on a ceasefire agreement in the Gaza Strip.

According to Reuters, when asked whether "the assassination of Haniya undermined the chances of reaching a ceasefire agreement," Biden told reporters on August 1, "It is not favorable." The report said Biden also said that he had a phone call with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu earlier that day.

On August 1, local time, Biden gave a speech to the media. Source: US media

CNN reported that Biden said, "I had a very direct conversation with the (Israeli) prime minister today... We have the basis for a ceasefire. He should continue to push for it, and they should continue to push for it now."

According to a statement released on the White House website on August 1, Biden spoke with Netanyahu on the phone that day to discuss topics such as supporting Israel's defense capabilities. Biden also reiterated his commitment to Israel's security during the call.

According to reports from the Washington Post, The Guardian and other media, Hamas said in a statement on July 31 that Haniyeh was killed in an attack at his residence after attending the inauguration ceremony of the Iranian president in Tehran. Hamas claimed that the assassination was carried out by Israel and vowed to retaliate. At the same time, the Israeli military refused to comment on Haniyeh's death. According to the New York Times on July 31, when asked "whether it was Israel that carried out the assassination of Haniyeh and whether the United States was informed of the operation in advance", US Secretary of Defense Austin said, "I have no comment on this matter."