
"Family Gathering" | Famous paintings by French painter Frederic Bazille


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"Family Reunion" or "Family Portrait" is a work by French painter Frédéric Bazille in 1867. It is now in the collection of the Musee d'Orsay in Paris.

The painting depicts his close-knit family, himself on the far left and his seated parents in the background, gathered on the terrace of the family home in Merrick, near Montpellier, France. The group is in the shade of a large tree on a clear day, which intensifies the play between light and shadow. In contrast to Claude Monet's Women in the Garden (a painting Bazille had recently purchased from the artist), the subjects in Bazille's work all look motionlessly at the viewer, giving his work the stiffness of a wedding photo.
However, it is a pity that Bazille, out of his love for the Republic, joined the National Guard to defend the Republic before the Paris Commune. He died gloriously in the battle against Prussia on November 28, 1870 at the age of 29, and did not live to see the rise of Impressionism. His works have a certain position in the history of French painting, especially in the history of Impressionism. "Family Reunion" is now in the collection of the Musée d'Orsay in Paris, France.

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