
The problem of illegal drone flights cannot be solved by fines alone


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Source: Nanjing Daily

□ Pei Tong

In recent years, the low-altitude economy has flourished, and various types of drones have been flying into the homes of tens of millions of people. However, with this, problems such as illegal drone flights, such as voyeurism, interference with flights, loss of control and injury to people, and even endangering national security, have become increasingly prominent. Last year, illegal drone flights in Langfang, Hebei Province caused losses to national defense preparedness resources, and the parties involved were eventually ordered to pay compensation of 121,900 yuan. However, why do illegal drone flights still continue despite strict investigations and severe punishments?

It should be noted that behind the chaos of "illegal flying" of drones is the problem of inadequate and inadequate development of my country's low-altitude economy. On the one hand, some "illegal flying" accidents are related to the insufficient production capacity, low utilization efficiency and immature technology of the drone industry itself. Compared with the rapid growth on the demand side, there is a large gap in the current number of drones in possession and the number of public flight data resources, which to a certain extent leads to the rampant illegal outsourcing and borrowing by others. On the other hand, the current supervision and governance of "illegal flying" of drones, especially the pre-monitoring and in-process countermeasures, is relatively weak. Compared with the widespread application of drones, the coverage of low-altitude safety protection technologies such as drone countermeasures and electronic countermeasures is not comprehensive enough. The safe flight of drones urgently needs to be supported by a more complete low-altitude infrastructure network.

On April 1 this year, the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CCID) released a report on the development of China's low-altitude economy, which depicted a panoramic view of the low-altitude economy. Low-altitude aircraft manufacturing, low-altitude infrastructure, low-altitude operation services and low-altitude flight support are the four core sectors of the low-altitude economy, reflecting that the development of drones is closely linked to the construction of the entire low-altitude economic system and shares a common destiny.

To solve the problem of "illegal flying" of drones, it is fundamental to promote the integrated development of the low-altitude economy. The "Nanjing Implementation Plan for Promoting High-Quality Development of Low-Altitude Economy (2024-2026)" puts "effectively guaranteeing low-altitude flight activities" at the first key task of the plan, and emphasizes the need to build a low-altitude flight data platform, construct low-altitude ground infrastructure, and build a low-altitude digital intelligent network to promote flight control service capabilities. The low-altitude flight data platform can effectively improve the efficiency of data utilization and fill the gap in social demand; infrastructure and intelligent networks can implement effective technical supervision of aircraft through identification, detection, and countermeasures. At present, the various problems exposed by the "illegal flying" of drones have precisely revealed the huge development space for new tracks such as low-altitude intelligent networks and low-altitude safety industries.

Problems in development are inevitable, and we must govern in the process of development and develop in the process of governance. In the face of the problems and troubles caused by "illegal flying" of drones, we cannot just rely on crackdowns and penalties; instead, we must stand at a higher level, look at the overall development of the low-altitude economy, and regard problems as opportunities and challenges to promote the high-quality development of the entire industry and allow technology to better serve social life.