
Several Apple and Steve Jobs memorabilia to be auctioned, including the original iPhone


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As part of its "Steve Jobs and the Apple Revolution" event, RR Auctions is selling several Apple and Steve Jobs memorabilia, including an Apple-1 computer, an original 4GB iPhone, a Polaroid photo of Jobs on stage, Jobs' bomber jacket, and more.

A fully functional Apple-1 computer is being auctioned off from former Apple employee Dana Redington. It originally came from a pile of "trade-ins" in Steve Jobs' office and was a gift to Redington from Jobs and Wozniak. Apple-1 expert Corey Cohen restored the machine. Bids are now approaching $100,000, and the Apple-1 is expected to sell for over $300,000.

Additionally, several original Polaroids of Jobs demonstrating the Apple-1 to Paul Terrell are being auctioned. It is well known that Terrell ordered the Apple-1 machine to be sold at The Byte Shop, and the Polaroids were part of the podium. The photos are expected to sell for more than $30,000.

The original 4GB iPhone is also for sale, with the device still in its original box. Original iPhones have consistently sold for over $50,000, while rare 4GB models have sold for over $190,000. RR Auctions expects the latest 4GB iPhone to sell for over $80,000.

A bomber jacket worn by Steve Jobs in an iconic 1983 photo, famous for showing him giving the IBM sign in New York City the finger, is up for auction and could fetch up to $75,000.

Other items in the auction include two Apple Computer checks signed by Steve Jobs, a Polaroid photo of Steve Jobs' NeXT ID badge, a Steve Jobs business card, Jobs' 1972 high school yearbook, several vintage magazines with Jobs on the cover, and several classic Apple Macs and memorabilia.