
Army Day | Protecting the Nation Forever


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Today is the 97th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. The heroic people's army has gone through 97 years of wind and rain, iron and blood glory, and has been guarded and passed on from generation to generation, just to defend the country and the well-being of the Chinese people.

During the war years, the Chinese People's Liberation Army fought in the front lines, built a Great Wall of Steel with their blood and lives, composed heroic hymns, and sought independence and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation.

In peacetime, they are still the strong backers of the motherland and the people. They guard the borders, fight floods, and fight earthquakes. Wherever there is danger, there are the people's soldiers; wherever there is a need, there are military flags flying. They stick to their posts, train hard, and are always ready.

The growth and development history of the Chinese People's Liberation Army is a history of struggle for the liberation and happiness of the people. Our peaceful life is because they are carrying heavy burdens forward.

Let us pay tribute to the cutest person!