
National Development and Reform Commission: Put consumption promotion in a more prominent position to promote the consumption of bulk commodities such as automobiles and home appliances


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Cailianshe reported on August 1 that the State Council Information Office held a press conference on the theme of "Promoting High-quality Development" at 10 a.m. today, inviting Zhao Chenxin, deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission, and others to attend to introduce the situation and answer questions from reporters.

National Development and Reform Commission: Positive factors and favorable conditions in economic operation are constantly accumulating

Zhao Chenxin, deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission, said at a press conference held by the State Council Information Office today that we should take a comprehensive and dialectical view of the economic trend in the second half of the year. On the one hand, we should see that the adverse effects of changes in the external environment have increased, domestic effective demand is insufficient, economic operation has diverged, there are still many risks and hidden dangers in key areas, and there are pains in the transformation of new and old kinetic energy; these difficulties and challenges are not only affected by the interweaving of external environmental changes, but also the pains that must be experienced in the process of economic structural reform and promoting high-quality development. Looking back on the course of economic development, everyone will find that my country's economy is constantly growing and developing in overcoming one difficult problem after another. On the other hand, we should also see that positive factors and favorable conditions in economic operation are also accumulating. From the perspective of external opportunities, international trade growth has recovered and emerging economies have developed rapidly, which is conducive to Chinese companies to give full play to their advantages and expand international markets. From the perspective of macro-combination policies, major measures such as the "two heavy" and "two new" deployed by the Party Central Committee and the State Council are being accelerated. The construction of projects such as ultra-long-term special treasury bonds, central budget investment, local government special bonds, and additional treasury bonds in 2023 are all being accelerated and the physical workload is being formed. It should be said that there is still enough room for countercyclical policy adjustments. From the perspective of high-quality development, various regions are developing new quality productivity in accordance with local conditions, emerging industries such as new energy vehicles are developing well, future industries are being laid out in an orderly manner, new drivers are growing and developing rapidly, and the green transformation of development methods is also being steadily promoted. From the perspective of development vitality, the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee deployed a series of major reform measures, which will effectively solve deep-seated institutional and mechanism obstacles and structural contradictions, and greatly stimulate the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of business entities.

National Development and Reform Commission: Speed ​​up the formulation and introduction of supporting policies and reform measures for "soft construction" to promote the realization of the "dual" goals

Zhang Shixin said that in the next step, we will thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, adhere to the balance of quality and efficiency, do a solid job in organizing and screening follow-up projects, strengthen online monitoring and daily scheduling, organize on-site supervision in a timely manner, and urge the acceleration of project construction. At the same time, combined with project investment, we will speed up the formulation and introduction of supporting policies and reform measures for "soft construction", continuously optimize the supply of systems, and promote the realization of the "double" goals.

National Development and Reform Commission: We are working with multiple departments to formulate a law to promote the private economy and improve the system and mechanism for private enterprises to participate in major national strategies

Zhao Chenxin said that in terms of state-owned enterprise reform, the management of state-owned economy will be strengthened and improved, and a guidance system for optimizing the layout and adjusting the structure of state-owned economy will be established to promote more state-owned economy to invest in major areas such as safeguarding national security, supporting scientific and technological progress, related to national economy and people's livelihood, and providing public services. For the private economy, the opinions and supporting measures on promoting the development and growth of the private economy will be fully implemented. At present, the National Development and Reform Commission is working with multiple departments to formulate a law to promote the private economy, protect the property rights and interests of private enterprises and entrepreneurs in accordance with laws and regulations, improve the system and mechanism for private enterprises to participate in major national strategies, and solve some urgent problems faced by business entities in market access, factor acquisition, and fair law enforcement. At the same time, we promote the improvement of the modern enterprise system with Chinese characteristics and promote the formation of more world-class enterprises. Through these measures, we will promote various ownership economies to use production factors equally in accordance with the law, participate in market competition fairly, and be equally protected by law, and promote the complementary advantages and common development of various ownership economies.

National Development and Reform Commission: Will promote the issuance of opinions on improving the market access system and release a new version of the negative list for market access

Zhao Chenxin said that the reform tasks deployed in the action plan for building a high-standard market system will be continuously promoted. In terms of basic systems, we will continue to improve systems such as property rights protection, negative lists for market access, fair competition, comprehensive innovation, and social credit, and lay a solid foundation for the construction of a high-standard market system. In the future, we will also promote the issuance of opinions on improving the market access system, release a new version of the negative list for market access, and introduce a number of special measures to relax market access, explore further relaxation of access across the country, and provide a broader development space for various business entities. In terms of factor allocation, we will continue to deepen the pilot of comprehensive reform of market-oriented allocation of factors, improve the market-oriented allocation system of resource and environmental factors, and allow various advanced and high-quality production factors to flow smoothly and efficiently to develop new quality productivity. In terms of smooth circulation, the next step is to accelerate the construction of a unified national market, formulate guidelines for the construction of a unified national market, and make greater efforts to break down obstacles and constraints such as local protectionism and market segmentation. Through these measures, we will continue to stimulate the endogenous motivation and innovation vitality of the whole society and continuously inject power into the promotion of Chinese-style modernization.

National Development and Reform Commission: Promote the revitalization of existing assets to better promote a virtuous cycle of investment

Zhang Shixin said that in the next step, the National Development and Reform Commission will strengthen coordination and cooperation with the China Securities Regulatory Commission, take the issuance of the "Notice on Comprehensively Promoting the Regular Issuance of Real Estate Investment Trust Funds (REITs) Projects in the Infrastructure Field" as an opportunity to carry out a series of policy publicity and interpretation, speed up the improvement of supporting system norms, organize special training and exchanges, and jointly promote the regular issuance mechanism to accelerate its implementation and effectiveness, promote the revitalization of existing assets, better promote a virtuous cycle of investment, better play the role of the capital market in serving the real economy, and help promote high-quality economic development.

National Development and Reform Commission: Put consumption promotion in a more prominent position to promote the consumption of bulk commodities such as automobiles and home appliances

Yuan Da, deputy secretary-general of the National Development and Reform Commission, said at a press conference held by the State Council Information Office today that the next step is to actively expand domestic demand. Put consumption promotion in a more prominent position, promote the consumption of bulk commodities such as automobiles and home appliances, promote the quality and expansion of service consumption such as education, elderly care, childcare, and housekeeping, support the high-quality development of cultural, sports and tourism, and continuously optimize measures to facilitate personnel exchanges, so that foreign friends can travel in China more conveniently and comfortably. Promote effective investment, advance the construction of 102 major projects in the "14th Five-Year Plan", accelerate the issuance and use of local government special bonds, implement a new mechanism for cooperation between the government and social capital, and further stimulate the vitality of private investment. Coordinate new urbanization and comprehensive rural revitalization, and promote the implementation of major regional strategies.

National Development and Reform Commission: Implement new policies to promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market and further improve the work of securing the delivery of houses

Yuan Da said at a press conference held by the State Council Information Office today that the next step is to resolve risks in key areas in a prudent and orderly manner. Implement new policies to promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market, further ensure the delivery of houses, and accelerate the construction of a new model for real estate development. Further implement a package of debt reduction plans and improve relevant measures in a targeted manner. Steadily handle financial risks and build a financial stability guarantee system that effectively prevents and controls systemic risks.

National Development and Reform Commission: Vigorously develop emerging industries and future industries

Yuan Da said at a press conference held by the State Council Information Office today that the next step is to accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system. We should develop new quality productivity according to local conditions, strengthen key core technology research, vigorously develop emerging industries and future industries, promote the transformation and development of key industries and optimize and upgrade them, accelerate the elimination of backward and inefficient production capacity, promote the deep integration of the real economy and the digital economy, and effectively reduce the logistics costs of the whole society.

National Development and Reform Commission: Increase residents' income through multiple channels and deepen public service reforms such as "the elderly and the young".

Yuan Da said at a press conference held by the State Council Information Office today that in the next step, efforts will be made to intensify efforts to protect and improve people's livelihood. Employment work for key groups such as college graduates will be done well, residents' income will be increased through multiple channels, and public service reforms such as "the elderly and the young" will be deepened. The 2024-2025 energy conservation and carbon reduction action plan will be implemented. Prevention and response to extreme weather and natural disasters will be strengthened, and various tasks such as ensuring energy supply during the peak summer season will be done well.

National Development and Reform Commission: Timely launch of a number of reform measures that are mature and achievable

Yuan Da said at a press conference held by the State Council Information Office today that the next step is to accelerate the implementation of landmark reform measures. Give full play to the leading role of economic system reform and promptly launch a number of reform measures that are mature, tangible and accessible. Launch guidelines for the construction of a unified national market, publish a new version of the negative list for market access, and create a fairer and more dynamic market environment. Actively cultivate new momentum for foreign trade development, expand trade in intermediate products and green trade, and make greater efforts to attract and utilize foreign investment.

National Development and Reform Commission: Promote fair opening of competitive infrastructure fields to business entities and improve the long-term mechanism for private enterprises to participate in the construction of major national projects

Yuan Da said at a press conference held by the State Council Information Office today that in the next step, the National Development and Reform Commission will give full play to the role of the inter-ministerial joint conference system for the development and expansion of the private economy, adhere to the policy of creating a good environment and providing more opportunities for the development of the private economy, and promote the sustained and healthy development of the private economy. First, increase policy support. Support capable private enterprises to take the lead in undertaking major national technological research tasks, and further open up major national scientific and technological infrastructure to private enterprises. Improve the financing support policy for private enterprises, improve the credit enhancement system for private small and medium-sized enterprises, and accelerate the solution to the problems of difficult and expensive financing. Second, remove barriers to entry. Promote fair opening of competitive infrastructure fields to business entities, improve the long-term mechanism for private enterprises to participate in the construction of major national projects, and create an open, transparent and convenient market access environment. Third, strengthen legal protection. Formulate a law to promote the private economy. Improve the legal and regulatory system for long-term supervision of fees involving enterprises and repayment of overdue accounts owed to enterprises. Strengthen property rights law enforcement and judicial protection, and establish an efficient comprehensive intellectual property management system.

National Development and Reform Commission: Speed ​​up the improvement of basic systems conducive to the construction of a unified national market

Xiao Weiming, deputy secretary-general of the National Development and Reform Commission, said at a press conference held by the State Council Information Office today that in the next step, we will resolutely follow the deployment requirements of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, and work with all relevant parties to further consolidate relevant achievements, speed up the improvement of basic systems that are conducive to the construction of a unified national market, promote the construction of a unified market in key areas such as transportation, commercial logistics, and energy markets, continue to correct outstanding problems in key areas, and strive to eliminate local protectionism and market segmentation, so as to provide strong support for building a high-level socialist market economic system with new achievements in the construction of a unified national market.