
Ideal executives criticized He Xiaopeng: The moon is rounder in foreign countries than in China


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According to Electric Home, at the Xiaopeng Motors AI Intelligent Driving Technology Conference on the evening of July 30, He Xiaopeng, Chairman and CEO of Xiaopeng Motors, also expressed his views on the "weekly sales list" that has been hotly discussed recently. He said that there is a significant difference between the smart driving environment in the United States and that in China. The American industry is more focused on how to improve end-to-end smart driving solutions. However, when I returned to China, I saw that my competitors were still busy making sales lists, thinking only about how to make money, rather than technological innovation and breakthroughs.

On the afternoon of July 31, an executive of Ideal Auto, “Ying Ge”, directly responded to He Xiaopeng’s remarks. He said: The United States is competing end to end, so what is China competing for?This is a typical example of the saying that the moon is rounder in foreign countries than in China.To further prove his point, he also said: China's end-to-end is more popular, okay? In the "low-quality" list, the first and second (Lixiang and Wenjie), one car owner's end-to-end internal test was launched, and the other media's end-to-end test drive began. It only takes a few minutes to make a weekly chart, so why not roll up the "high-quality" end-to-end?

It is worth mentioning that on the evening of July 31, in response to the joint boycott of the weekly sales chart by new energy vehicle brands such as Weilai, Geely, and Xiaopeng, Li Xiang, CEO of Ideal, posted a picture on WeChat Moments last night in response. Li Xiang quoted the story of covering one's ears and stealing the bell, which seemed to imply that other brands not publishing data is covering one's ears and stealing the bell.