
The Peruvian government openly opposes the results of the Venezuelan presidential election, and Venezuela decides to sever diplomatic ties with Peru


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[Global Times Comprehensive Report] On July 30th local time, because the Peruvian government openly opposed the results of the Venezuelan presidential election, the Venezuelan government announced the severance of diplomatic relations with Peru.

On July 29, 2024, local time, in Caracas, Venezuela, the current President Maduro won the 2024 presidential election in Venezuela. (Visual China)

Venezuelan Foreign Minister Hill said at a press conference that day that Venezuela had decided to sever diplomatic relations with Peru in accordance with Article 45 of the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations. Hill also posted on social media that Peruvian Foreign Minister Gonzalez had disregarded the will of the Venezuelan people and the Constitution and rashly issued a statement opposing the results of the Venezuelan presidential election, "We were forced to make this decision."

According to Peru's Business Daily, Peruvian President Boruarte expressed "doubt" about Venezuela's decision to sever diplomatic ties through social media on July 30, saying that this move would only formalize Venezuela's earlier "arbitrary decision" to expel diplomats from Peru and several other Latin American countries.

The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) analyzed that Peru not only opposed the results of the Venezuelan presidential election, but was also the first country to recognize Edmundo Gonzalez, the candidate of the Democratic Unity Platform of the Venezuelan opposition alliance, as the president-elect of Venezuela, and stated that "many countries, governments and international organizations agree with this position."

According to El Peruano on July 31, Peruvian Foreign Minister Gonzalez arrived in Washington, the United States that day to attend a special meeting of the Permanent Council of the Organization of American States on the results of the Venezuelan election.

Venezuela's Southern Television reported on July 31 that the decision to sever diplomatic ties was consistent with the Venezuelan authorities' decision on July 29 to recall diplomats from Peru and seven Latin American countries, including Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, Panama, the Dominican Republic and Uruguay, and to expel diplomats from these countries in Venezuela. It is reported that the Venezuelan authorities believe that these countries are practicing "interventionism" and are consistent with the attitude of "right-wing governments affiliated with Washington" in Latin America. (Tang Ya)