
Haitong Securities Vice President Jiang Chengjun resigned for personal reasons. He was in charge of mergers and acquisitions, investment banking and other lines


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According to Red Star Capital Bureau on July 31,Haitong Securities(600837.SH) announced that the company's board of directors received the resignation report from Jiang Chengjun, who applied to resign from the position of deputy general manager of the company for personal reasons. After his resignation, he will no longer hold any position in the company. The resignation report will take effect from the date of delivery to the company's board of directors.

Red Star Capital Bureau noticed that there were rumors today that "Vice President of Haitong Securities Jiang CJ was in jail, and the CEOs of M&A and investment banking were also in jail." In response, Red Star Capital Bureau called the Haitong Securities investor hotline, and the staff said that the company has paid attention to the rumors, but does not have the relevant information. If there are any changes in senior management, it will be announced in a timely manner.

According to his resume, Jiang Chengjun was born in 1968, holds a master's degree in economics and is an economist. He has served as deputy general manager of Haitong Securities since June 30, 2023. From July 1993 to July 1994, he served as a cadre of Xiamen International Trade Group Co., Ltd. From July 1994 to August 2000, he served as deputy manager of the financial securities department, manager of the investment management and development department, assistant to the general manager, secretary of the board of directors, and deputy general manager of Xiamen Guotai Enterprise Co., Ltd.

Jiang Chengjun worked in the Investment Banking Department and Investment Banking Headquarters of Haitong Securities from August 2000 to March 2023, and served as Deputy General Manager of the Investment Banking Department, Deputy General Manager of the Investment Banking Department (in charge of work), General Manager of the Investment Banking Department, and General Manager of the Investment Banking Headquarters; from March 2017 to June 2023, he served as Assistant to the General Manager of the Company, from April 2017 to July 2023, he served as Joint Company Secretary and Joint Authorized Representative of the Company, and from March 2017 to September 2023, he served as Secretary of the Board of Directors of the Company.

Red Star Capital Bureau learned that during his tenure as deputy general manager, Jiang Chengjun was in charge of large investment banking business at Haitong Securities, including mergers and acquisitions, investment banking, etc. Haitong Securities' 2023 annual report shows that during the reporting period, Jiang Chengjun received a total pre-tax remuneration of 1.9774 million yuan from the company.

Since the beginning of this year, a storm of strong regulation has swept the securities industry, and Haitong Securities has received regulatory fines many times. On January 29, the Shanghai Stock Exchange disclosed two fines, directly pointing out the violations in Haitong Securities' investment banking practices. One of the fines showed that Haitong Securities and three relevant investment bank managers were also given regulatory talks, regulatory warnings and other regulatory measures. Among them, Jiang Chengjun, the then head of the sponsor business, was given a regulatory warning by the Shanghai Stock Exchange.

Red Star News reporter Jiang Ziwen

Editor: Xiao Ziqi