
Summary in one article! Hamas Politburo leader Haniyeh was assassinated in Iran, and the latest statements from various parties


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[Global Times Comprehensive Report] The Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) issued a statement on July 31, confirming that Hamas Political Bureau leader Ismail Haniyeh was assassinated in Iran.

Haniya, data map, source: foreign media

According to reports from RIA Novosti and other international media on July 31, after Haniyeh was assassinated, Iranian President Pezhichyan said that Iran will make the "terrorist occupiers" regret their "cowardly behavior."

According to AFP and other media reports, Palestinian President Abbas strongly condemned the assassination of Haniyeh in Iran, criticizing that the assassination of Haniyeh was a "cowardly act."

Abbas, data map, source: foreign media

According to RIA Novosti, a deputy foreign minister of Russia said that "Hania's assassination" was "absolutely unacceptable political murder" and would further escalate tensions in the Middle East. According to reports from Russia Today and other media, the Russian Foreign Ministry said that Russia strongly condemned the "Hania's assassination". The Russian Foreign Ministry also said that in the context of the tense situation in the Middle East, Russia called on all parties concerned to exercise restraint.

Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs building, file photo, source: Russian Satellite News Agency

In Israel, CNN reported that the Israeli army refused to respond to the matter. According to the Jerusalem Post, Israeli Heritage Affairs Minister Eliyahu posted a message on social media to "celebrate" and said that "there will be no more illusory so-called 'peace agreements'."

Reuters and other media reported that the Qatari Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement on July 31 saying, "The assassination of Ismail Haniyeh is a heinous crime, a dangerous act, a clear violation of international law and humanitarian law, and will destroy the possibility of achieving peace."

CNN reported that a White House spokesman said the White House had seen reports that Haniyeh was killed in Iran, but declined to comment immediately.

The White House, file photo, source: US media

The New York Times reported on July 31 that when asked "whether it was Israel that carried out the assassination of Haniyeh and whether the United States had been informed of the operation in advance", US Secretary of Defense Austin said, "I have no comment on this matter."

According to reports from the British Guardian, CNN and other media, Hamas issued a statement on the 31st saying that Haniyeh was killed in an Israeli airstrike at his residence in Tehran, the capital of Iran. Senior Hamas member Zuhri said that the assassination of Haniyeh was "an incident that led to a serious escalation of the situation." Hamas Political Bureau member Moussa Abu Marzouk said that the assassination of Haniyeh "was a cowardly act and it is impossible not to be punished."