
"Under the Alien" Guangzhou Roadshow, the audience praised: "Not only exciting and cool, but also very touching"


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Southern Metropolis Daily reporter Lin Jingwu On July 30, the national road show of the movie "Under the Alien" came to Guangzhou. Director and screenwriter Wuershan, co-director Xia Peng, and actors Li Wanda, Song Ningfeng, and Wu Jiakai appeared after the screening to communicate. After watching the movie, the audience said that the movie was full of surprises. It is reported that the entire film was shot using IMAX special equipment, and the IMAX theater will present 26% more complete picture content, giving the audience a more impactful audio-visual and immersive viewing experience.


Director Wuershan insists on exploring new film genres

“The first step means more than anything else”

From the epic mythological masterpiece "Fengshen Trilogy" to the "Chinese style superpower" fantasy action masterpiece "Under the Alien", director Wuershan has always sought new breakthroughs in the expansion of film genres. Director Wuershan said, "Every innovative thing will actually face different views. As a pioneering work, "Under the Alien" has taken the first step with more significance than anything else."

Directed by Wuershan.

As Wu's apprentice, co-director Xia Peng also said with emotion, "I always feel that my master is the master in martial arts novels, who taught me many skills. My master is very courageous and always innovating; he is also very charming and has a firm belief."

Co-director Xia Peng.

When asked about her favorite action scene, Li Wanda, who plays Feng Baobao, said that she had a deep memory of the scene of "Feng Baobao and Feng Shayan fighting at the bell tower". "We had a set of action scenes that were temporarily changed into a long shot. I was a little worried beforehand, but when we got to the location for the actual shooting, the two of us had a very good tacit understanding and finished that scene very quickly. After the shooting, I still wanted to do it again."

Li Wanda.

In the film, Zhang Lingyu comes from the famous and upright "Tianyi Sect" that has been passed down for thousands of years, and has a cold and indifferent temperament of a master. In order to fit this role, Wu Jiakai not only underwent a variety of martial arts training, but also studied traditional cultural courses, "learned some Chinese medicine concepts, and later developed some health habits in daily life." Song Ningfeng, who plays the role of Xu Si, a senior executive of Nadutong, also said that the movie brought him "sequelae", "because our movie is about a 'visual disco', and my mind is always filled with our disco music." At the roadshow, Song Ningfeng danced to the song "Goodnight Miss", which caused cheers from the audience and pushed the atmosphere to a climax.


The puppet actor's bone-breaking dance skills in the film amaze the audience

Intangible cultural heritage inheritor reproduces the classic "Ip Man Wing Chun"

After watching the movie, the audience was immersed in the fantasy world created by Director Wuershan and was reluctant to leave. One of Director Wuershan’s fans, “Ula Cao”, passionately “confessed” on the spot, “Watching Director Wuershan’s works cured many of my ‘illnesses’. Watching Mojin: The Last Dragon cured my claustrophobia. Watching the Easter eggs in The First Part of the Investiture of the Gods, the four generals of the Demon Family instantly cured my gigantic monster phobia. Today, The Outsiders cured my hipster phobia.”

Many viewers were also moved by the film's rich emotions. They said that seeing Feng Baobao and Xu Xiang (Gou Wazi) protecting each other reminded them of their own mothers, and they said, "My mother protects me like she has superpowers. Although I don't have superpowers, I can love her unconditionally." In response, Director Wuershan also said emotionally, "Only family affection and love are our real superpowers."

On that day, the excitement in the movie also continued outside the screen. In the movie, the strange shapes of the puppets when running and fighting were impressive, and two of the actors who played them also came to the roadshow.

Yu Pan, known as "China's No. 1 Bone-Breaking Dancer", and Xiao Chuan, a dancer of the Bone-Breaking Dance, showed off their skills at the roadshow. The difficult "anti-joint" movements of the Bone-Breaking Dance are beyond the reach of ordinary people, which amazed the audience. Dong Chonghua, the inheritor of the intangible cultural heritage of the Yip Man branch of Foshan Wing Chun, also demonstrated classic Wing Chun movements, with each move flowing like water, showing the style of a master. A child also performed a lion dance on the spot, which drew constant applause from the audience. In response, Director Wuershan was full of encouragement and praised the child repeatedly, "You are so good at lion dancing. I think you have superpowers now. I can already feel your Qi."