
UN Security Council lifts arms embargo on Central African Republic


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According to Xinhua News Agency, the UN Security Council unanimously adopted Resolution 2745 on July 30, deciding to lift the arms embargo on the Central African Republic.

The resolution also requires all UN member states to take necessary measures by July 31, 2025 to prevent the direct or indirect supply, sale or transfer of all types of weapons and related materials to armed groups and related individuals operating in the Central African Republic.

The resolution extends the mandate of the Central African Republic Sanctions Panel until August 31, 2025, requires the Panel to submit a midterm report to the Security Council by January 31, 2025 at the latest, and a final report by June 15, 2025 at the latest, and draws special attention to analyzing the illicit transnational trafficking networks that continue to provide funding and supply to armed groups in the country.

According to CCTV News, on July 30 local time, China's Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Dai Bing said in an explanatory speech after the Security Council voted on the sanctions resolution against the Central African Republic that the Security Council's adoption of a resolution that day to lift the original arms embargo on the Central African Republic has practical significance for supporting the Central African government in strengthening security capacity building and advancing the peace process.

Dai Bing said that in recent years, the political and peace process in the Central African Republic has been steadily advancing, and positive progress has been made in improving governance capacity, promoting the peace process, and maintaining security and stability. The efforts made by the Central African government are obvious to all. The resolution adopted by the Security Council abolished the original arms embargo system against the Central African Republic, set new sanctions against armed groups, and reiterated that the Security Council's arms embargo measures and reporting requirements do not apply to the Central African government. This adjustment actively responded to the reasonable concerns of the Central African government and people.

In December 2013, the UN Security Council adopted a resolution imposing an arms embargo on those who undermine peace and stability in the Central African Republic. In January 2014, the Security Council decided to further impose travel bans and asset freezes. The Security Council has since extended these sanctions several times.

Editor Zhang Lei