
The animated film "Dragon Guardian" is scheduled to be released on August 17th. The dragon descends to inspire the power of protection


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Beijing News (Reporter Teng Chao) On July 31, the animated film "Dragon Keeper" released the "Dragon's Descent" version of the release trailer and release poster, announcing that it will be released on August 17. The film is adapted from the novel of the same name by Australian writer Carole Wilkinson. It tells the story of an ordinary little girl Ping from Luoxingling who accidentally discovers her identity as a "dragon keeper". In order to save the last Yinglong Danzi in the world and protect the dragon eggs that are about to hatch, she embarks on an adventure with her hamster partner Huahua to maintain peace between humans and dragons.

The film is co-directed by Li Jianping and Salvador Simó, and actor Yang En is also the special voice actor. The film brings together a high-level team of Chinese and Spanish animation film production to ensure the quality and visual effects of the film. It also incorporates elements of traditional Chinese culture, bringing the image of Yinglong from the Classic of Mountains and Seas to the screen, achieving the purpose of combining education with entertainment and promoting traditional Chinese culture.

Editor: Xu Meilin

Proofread by Yang Li