
Academician Wu Hequan: Splitting large models into modules is conducive to application innovation of small and medium-sized enterprises


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On July 31, the 12th Internet Security Conference (ISC.AI 2024) opened. The theme of this conference is “Building a SecureLarge Model, leading a new revolution in the security industry" with a deep focus on the two major areas of security and AI, the Chinese Academy of EngineeringacademicianWu HequanDelivered a keynote speech, talking about the new model of big models empowering enterprise digital transformation and digital security.

Academician Wu Hequan pointed out that it is necessary to collaborate on the development of industry big models. These basic big models are an indispensable part of enterprises' digital transformation and need to cope with multiple challenges. However, basic big models lack professional knowledge in specific industries, so big model providers need to cooperate with vertical industries. For small and medium-sized enterprises, the threshold for just entering the big model foundation is too high.

Academician Wu Hequan talked about the need to speed up the innovation of big models. As far as software and service SaaS are concerned, big model innovation solves the problems of customization and cost-service quality. Therefore, if the big model is split into modules and the IaaS+PaaS+SaaS model is used, it will be easier for small and medium-sized enterprises to apply big models.

He mentioned that we also need to innovate digital security protection measures, provide security capabilities for various industries, help build and maintain a security protection system, cover all aspects from industrial enterprises to users, realize intelligence sharing, and provide secure protection capabilities.

Finally, Academician Wu Hequan said that digital security has become the focus of the development of the digital economy.AIThe application of digital technologies such as , is not only the focus of security defense, but also a powerful means of protection.Big Data, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things and other technologies to enhance security capabilities. We look forward to the experts and scholars in the field of artificial intelligence and digital security sharing advanced experiences and generating new ideas at this conference. (Dingxi)

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