
Biden, big announcement!


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Biden suddenly announced a major plan.

On July 29, local time, the White House official website issued a statement that President Biden announced plans for emergency reform of the Supreme Court. The U.S. Politico quoted people familiar with the matter as saying that the plan is expected to support the establishment of term limits for Supreme Court justices and the implementation of binding professional ethics standards. In addition, the proposal may also include a constitutional amendment to limit the immunity of the president and other specific officials.

US media analysis reported that these plans mark a major shift for Biden, who has previously opposed any changes to the Supreme Court. But these proposals are unlikely to be realized because constitutional amendments or congressional actions are almost impossible in the current political climate.

The current situation of the US election is undergoing a huge change. On July 29, quoted the Associated Press as reporting that since US Vice President Kamala Harris became the most likely candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination last week, her campaign has raised $200 million. According to the latest poll published by ABC News, Harris's support rate rose from 35% to 43% in one week.

Biden announced

According to the CCTV News client, on July 29th local time, the official website of the White House issued a statement that President Biden announced plans for emergency reform of the Supreme Court.

The plan is expected to support the establishment of term limits for Supreme Court justices and the implementation of binding professional ethics standards, Politico reported, citing people familiar with the matter. In addition, the proposal may also include a constitutional amendment to limit the immunity of the president and other specific officials.

Biden is expected to call for Supreme Court reforms in a speech at the Lyndon Johnson Presidential Library in Austin, Texas later on the 29th, according to National Public Radio (NPR). He is expected to support a system in which the president appoints a justice every two years and serves on the Supreme Court for 18 years.

He is expected to call on Congress to pass binding, enforceable rules of conduct and ethics requiring Supreme Court justices to disclose gifts they receive, refrain from overt political activities and recuse themselves from cases in which they or their spouses have financial or other conflicts of interest.

The report also said that Biden is expected to call for a constitutional amendment to limit the broad immunity enjoyed by the president after a recent Supreme Court ruling.

NPR analysis reports that these proposals are unlikely to be realized because constitutional amendments or congressional action (both of which would likely be required) are almost impossible in the current political climate. These plans mark a major shift for Biden, who has previously opposed any changes to the Supreme Court.

While it is unclear whether Biden can make progress on the issue in the remaining months of his term, the White House believes that Supreme Court reform has good public support among independent voters, Republican voters and a large number of important demographic groups.

Biden has previously pledged to continue serving as president until the end of his term on January 20, 2025.

According to NPR, shortly after Biden took office as President of the United States in 2021, he established the Presidential Commission on the Supreme Court, fulfilling his campaign promise. In December of the same year, the commission, composed of behind-the-scenes figures in the legal community, issued a report stating that Congress had the power to expand the Supreme Court, but the commission did not take a position on this. Regarding term limits, the commission seemed to suggest that the Constitution might need to be amended, and pointed out that there were practical difficulties in implementing term limits when the Supreme Court had life-long judges.

The election situation has changed dramatically

The situation in the general election is undergoing a huge change after Biden announced his withdrawal from the race and US Vice President Kamala Harris became the Democratic presidential candidate.

On July 29, Cankao Xiaoxi quoted the Associated Press as reporting that since Harris became the most likely candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination last week, her campaign has raised $200 million, a surprising gain in her competition with Republican candidate and former President Donald Trump.

According to reports, the campaign team announced the latest fundraising total on the 28th, saying that most of the donations (66%) came from first-time donors in the 2024 election cycle, and the donations occurred after Biden announced his withdrawal from the campaign and supported Harris.

Previously, she raised $81 million on the first day after Biden dropped out of the race. Her campaign team said this was the largest fundraising amount by any candidate in 24 hours in history.

Harris' deputy campaign manager Rob Flaherty posted on social media: "In the week since we started (preparing for the campaign), Harris has raised $200 million. 66% of it came from new donors. We have recruited 170,000 new volunteers."

Campaign co-chairman Mitch Landrieu said Harris had "one of the best weeks we've seen in politics in the last 50 years."

"It's going to be a close race," said Mitch Landrieu.

At present, Harris has obtained the support of enough delegates and is likely to become the Democratic candidate. The Democratic National Convention will be held in Chicago from August 19th to 22nd local time.

It is reported that the Democratic Party plans to conduct an online vote in early August to formally confirm the party's presidential candidate. It is reported that in the first round of voting, the candidate needs to obtain the support of 1,976 delegates to win the nomination. According to a media survey, the number of Democratic National Convention delegates supporting Harris has reached 2,668.

Most polls over the past week show Harris and Trump now neck and neck, setting the stage for the November election.

A national New York Times/Siena College poll released Thursday showed Harris narrowing Trump's huge lead, while a Wall Street Journal poll released Friday showed Trump leading Harris by just two percentage points. A Reuters/Ipsos poll released on July 23 showed Harris ahead by two percentage points.

According to a poll released by ABC News last Sunday, Harris's approval rating rose from 35% to 43% in a week. At the same time, her disapproval rating also dropped from 46% to 42%. The report said that the current percentage of independent voters supporting Harris is 44%, while the figure was 28% the week before.

Source: China Securities

Statement: All information content of Databao does not constitute investment advice. The stock market is risky and investment should be cautious.

Editor: He Yu

Proofreading: Gao Yuan

Data treasure