
Wang Yi refuted some countries' so-called concerns about the stability of the Taiwan Strait and singled out the United States


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(Original title: Wang Yi severely refuted some countries and named the United States)

On July 27 local time, the 14th East Asia Summit Foreign Ministers' Meeting was held in Vientiane. Wang Yi, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Foreign Minister, attended and delivered a speech.

On July 27, 2024, local time, the 14th East Asia Summit Foreign Ministers' Meeting was held in Vientiane. Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs website

Wang Yi said that the current international situation is turbulent and hot issues are heating up and difficult to resolve. The East Asia Summit should grasp the right direction, enhance unity and cooperation, promote long-term peace and prosperity in the region, and safeguard international fairness and justice. To this end, China puts forward four proposals:

First, we should jointly maintain an open and inclusive regional architecture.The ASEAN-led regional framework is an important support for maintaining regional peace and stability, and all parties should invest more cooperation resources in this "big family". However, some non-regional countries have formed exclusive "small circles" in the region, creating divisions and confrontations, undermining regional stability, and seriously impacting ASEAN's central position and strategic autonomy. All parties should be highly vigilant and effectively resist this.

Second, we should jointly abide by regional rules recognized by all parties.We should jointly abide by the basic norms of international relations based on the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, including the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, and uphold the spirit of the ASEAN Charter and the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia. We should not allow individual countries to place unilateral and selfish "rules" above recognized international law and regional rules.

The third is to jointly enhance the new qualitative driving force of connectivity.We will continue to promote the construction of the Asia-Pacific Free Trade Area and promote the stability and smoothness of the industrial chain and supply chain. "Decoupling and breaking the chain" and "small courtyards and high walls" will harm others and not benefit oneself, and will only lead to "fragmentation" of the regional economy and seriously hinder regional growth. China supports Laos' initiative to issue a leaders' statement on the theme of "connectivity and resilience" to focus on the urgent needs of regional development and the needs of cooperation.

Fourth, we should jointly stimulate the effectiveness and vitality of the East Asia Summit.Promote the balanced rotation of the "two wheels" of political security and economic development. China is willing to work with all parties, guided by the Global Development Initiative and the Global Security Initiative, to implement the summit action plan, promote the coastal economy, respond to climate change, jointly solve security problems, and bridge the development gap.

Wang Yi strongly refuted the so-called concerns expressed by some countries about the stability of the Taiwan Strait, and stressed that the Taiwan issue is 100% China's internal affair.No external forces have the right to interfere and should earnestly implement the basic norm of international relations of non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries and abide by the one-China principle which is the universal consensus of the international community.The biggest challenges currently jeopardizing the situation in the Taiwan Strait come from "Taiwan independence" separatist activities on the island and interference and sabotage by external forces, especially the United States."Taiwan independence" is incompatible with peace in the Taiwan Strait and even threatens regional peace and stability. All countries should jointly and firmly oppose it.If we want to truly maintain peace in the Taiwan Strait, we should support China's legitimate position and firmly oppose all acts of "Taiwan independence".

Wang Yi also clarified China's solemn position on the South China Sea issue.

On July 27 local time, Wang Yi, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Foreign Minister, attended the Foreign Ministers' Meeting of the East Asia Summit and delivered a speech. Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs website

Wang Yi also reiterated China's principled position on the Palestinian issue and the Ukrainian crisis, stressing that China will continue to play a constructive role in achieving a ceasefire and political solution.

On the same day, Wang Yi attended the ASEAN-China, Japan and South Korea (10+3) Foreign Ministers' Meeting and the ASEAN Regional Forum Foreign Ministers' Meeting and met with foreign ministers of relevant countries.

Further reading

Media: In the Taiwan Strait, "the worst-case scenario envisioned by the United States will come true"

The so-called "PLA ship and aircraft dynamics" released by Taiwan's "Ministry of National Defense" on the 11th showed that from 6 a.m. on the 10th to 6 a.m. on the 11th, the PLA dispatched a total of 66 military aircraft and 7 warships to operate around Taiwan, creating a new high in related statistics this year. What is even more concerning to the media on the island is that the PLA aircraft carrier Shandong has also arrived in the waters east of Taiwan. "The 'Han Guang 40' exercise, where the Taiwan military has no imaginary enemy, has seen the appearance of the real PLA!"

Taiwan's China Times News reported on the 11th that according to data released by the Taiwan military, the PLA "surrounded Taiwan on three sides" that day, dispatching 56 main and auxiliary fighters, helicopters and drones across the so-called "center line of the strait" and entering the northern, southwest and southeast airspace of Taiwan, forming a "three-sided encirclement of Taiwan", with the closest distance being 72 nautical miles from Keelung and 33 nautical miles from Eluanbi, of which 22 entered Taiwan's "southeast airspace". In addition, 7 PLA warships continued to operate around the Taiwan Strait.

Taiwan military's so-called surveillance footage of the J-16

In order to demonstrate "close monitoring and response", the Taiwan military also specially released "monitoring images" of the PLA's J-16 and H-6. The report specifically mentioned that when the PLA conducted the "Joint Sword-2024A" exercise in May this year, the Taiwan Air Force first released the "images of the PLA's J-16 and H-6 fighters being calibrated by the most advanced "sniper" pod of the F-16V fighter, which attracted attention from all parties. There was even green media hyping that it was "locking on the PLA fighter."

However, the old driver has long explained that the so-called "monitoring footage" of the Taiwan military is very blurry, indicating that the Taiwan military fighter jets were actually filming from a very long distance - or to put it more vividly, the Taiwan military fighter jets took a photo of the PLA fighter jets from dozens or hundreds of kilometers away, and it can be said that they were monitoring or even locking onto the PLA fighter jets. Then, if the old driver looked up at the moon, can it be said that they locked onto the moon...

Judging from the photos released by the Taiwan military this time, the same blurry image quality proves that the Taiwan military pilots have not made any progress and are still taking secret photos from a long distance.

Shandong warship appears in the Bashi Channel (data map)

It is also worth mentioning that in recent days, Taiwanese media have paid close attention to the PLA's cruise operations around Taiwan Island, and have speculated on the intentions of the PLA's naval and air forces. Taiwanese media speculated that the recent activities of the PLA's military aircraft and warships may be related to the activities of the Shandong aircraft carrier. For example, a few days ago, when the Shandong ship appeared in the Bashi Channel, a large number of PLA military aircraft appeared around Taiwan. Now, according to the report of the Joint Staff Office of the Japanese Ministry of Defense on the 9th, the Shandong ship formation was already located in the waters about 520 kilometers southeast of Miyako Island at 7 am that day. Lu Lishi, a retired major of the Taiwan Navy, said that the Shandong ship entered the Philippine Sea for the first time this year for training and exercise, and the time overlapped with the Taiwan military's "Han Guang 40" live-fire exercise scheduled to be held from July 22 to 26. Therefore, the PLA drones and ship formations that crossed the southwestern islands of Japan a few days ago were all paving the way for the Shandong ship.

The picture shows a screenshot of the relevant report

The report also mentioned that the Shandong fleet currently in the Philippine Sea includes the Type 055 missile destroyer Yan'an, the Type 052D missile destroyer Guilin and the Type 054A missile frigate Yuncheng. The PLA fleet near Japan includes the Type 055 missile destroyer Lhasa and the Type 903A comprehensive supply ship Hoh Xil Lake. In addition, the Type 052D missile destroyer Yinchuan, the Type 054A missile frigate Hengshui and the Russian frigate "Perfect" have also entered the Western Pacific. Lu Lishi said that it is not ruled out that the three fleets will meet for joint patrols in the future. "If these three formations form a complete Shandong aircraft carrier formation and carry out joint patrols in the Western Pacific, the 'worst case scenario for China and Russia to use anti-access/area denial as a joint exercise' warned by US Director of National Intelligence Haines at the Senate Armed Services Committee on May 2 this year will soon come true."

However, mainland military expert Zhang Junshe said that the so-called Han Kuang exercises of the Taiwan military have been proven to be a show for many years and are not worth paying attention to. The fundamental purpose of the Shandong aircraft carrier formation to carry out far sea training is to improve the aircraft carrier formation's maritime defense combat capability, including the coordinated combat capability between the aircraft carrier and its subordinate ships, and the sea and air joint combat capability between fighters and ships, so as to achieve the goal of defending the enemy thousands of miles away.