
Basic research "experimental field" stimulates innovation and creativity (anchored in the further deepening of modernization reform)


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Our reporter He Cong and Yao Xueqing

Flashing, the red laser constantly changes its energy, and beams of it hit the semiconductor sample in the refrigerator.

The signal was captured instantly. On the computer screen, a series of electrocardiogram-like excitation peaks were displayed, and each peak meant a collision between an electron and a photon.

Where is the signal? What does it look like? How long will it take to find it?

In the Quantum Extreme Measurement Laboratory of the School of Physics at Nanjing University, Professor Du Lingjie and his doctoral students are looking for signals of new quasiparticles from hundreds of excitation peaks every day. The whole process is like looking for a needle in a haystack, and no one dares to guarantee that they can find it. This kind of original innovative research is now taking root and bearing fruit in the Jiangsu Provincial Center for Physical Science Research.

Focusing on deepening the reform of the science and technology system and the talent development system and mechanism, Jiangsu Province plans to set up three basic science centers in June 2023, relying on research universities and other scientific research institutions for pilot construction, focusing on physics, applied mathematics, synthetic biology and other fields, and deepening the reform of the basic research system and mechanism. In just one year, original innovative research results have continued to emerge in the young basic research "experimental fields".

This "experimental field" encourages originality.

In the first half of 2023, Du Lingjie's research was once full of difficulties: the experiment had to be redesigned, the prospects were unknown, and continuous investment was required. This new research was not included in any scientific research project guidelines, but it received the firm support of Wang Borgen, Dean of the School of Physics at Nanjing University. Wang Borgen's confidence comes from the mission of scientific and technological system reform undertaken by the "experimental field" - full scientific research autonomy, encouraging researchers to "dare to propose new theories, open up new fields, explore new paths, and work hard on originality and uniqueness."

In 2023, Jiangsu Province invested 130 million yuan to build the Provincial Physical Science Research Center, the Provincial Applied Mathematical Science Research Center, and the Provincial Basic Research Center for Synthetic Biology. The Physical Science Research Center with Nanjing University as the main body received 50 million yuan in funding.

"The firm support for scientific research and sufficient funding guarantee are a timely help for research," said Du Lingjie. On March 28 this year, Nature magazine published their important research results, which was the first time in the world that quasiparticles with graviton characteristics were discovered in a real system.

This "experimental field" breaks the convention.

"7:10, increase magnetic field", "23:30 start low-temperature electron research", "2:49, decrease magnetic field..." During the summer vacation, the machines in the quantum extreme measurement laboratory are still running 24 hours a day, and Du Lingjie's team is challenging a new quantum state of matter.

In early July, the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Science and Technology announced the proposed projects for the "2024 Provincial Basic Research Special Fund", and Du Lingjie's latest research was included in the "Climbing Project". "According to convention, only researchers who have undertaken projects such as the Provincial Outstanding Youth Fund can apply for the 'Climbing Project', but in the 'Experimental Field', we can break the convention and apply directly, and we received 3 million yuan in project funds in the first phase." Du Lingjie introduced that scientific research results are no longer evaluated once a year, and the team has received long-term and stable funding, so they can concentrate on scientific research.

This "experimental field" dares to do good.

Have you ever seen building blocks in the atomic world?

Walking into the Future Computing Laboratory of Jiangsu Physical Science Research Center, electronic devices composed of four layers of "atomic building blocks" are clearly visible under a microscope.

"Electrons do not have a uniform direction of transmission in traditional materials, but when they are in the topological boundary state of quantum materials, their direction is consistent, just like traveling on a highway." The research team of Miao Feng, a professor at the School of Physics of Nanjing University, moved the "highway" into "atomic building blocks" and built special electronic devices to achieve brain-like computing. This achievement has just been published in the journal Nature Nanotechnology.

Academician Ma Yuqiang, director and chief scientist of the Jiangsu Physical Science Research Center, said that project leaders can independently adjust and use scientific research funds, spend limited funds where they are needed most, and form teams and mobilize talents across departments, fields, and industries.

Education, science and technology, and talents are the basic and strategic support for China's modernization. "Jiangsu has established three basic science centers and promoted their physical operation, exploring the coordinated promotion of the reform of the education, science and technology talent system and mechanism, and constantly stimulating the inexhaustible power of scientific research and the vigorous vitality of innovation and creation." Xu Guanghui, Director of the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Science and Technology, said, "The Decision of the CPC Central Committee on Further Deepening Reform and Promoting China's Modernization" proposed to 'improve the management of science and technology plans, strengthen the forward-looking and leading layout of basic research fields, cross-cutting frontier fields, and key fields' and 'strengthen organized basic research'. This has pointed out the direction for Jiangsu to continue to promote the reform of the basic research system and mechanism."

People's Daily (Edition 01, July 27, 2024)