
Beijing Huairou Science City is accelerating its rise


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Our reporter Li Jianguang

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "We must accelerate the construction of Beijing as an international science and technology innovation center and a high-level talent base, and strive to build an important source of independent innovation and a major source of original innovation in my country."

About 50 kilometers northeast of Beijing’s central urban area, at the foot of the Great Wall and on the shores of Yanqi Lake, Huairou Science City, which is committed to building a world-class original innovation base, is accelerating its rise.

The comprehensive extreme conditions experimental device is a powerful scientific research tool of Huairou Science City. It has a strong magnetic field hundreds of thousands of times stronger than the earth's magnetic field, an ultra-high pressure close to the pressure at the center of the earth, an extremely low temperature close to absolute zero (minus 273.15 degrees Celsius), and an ultra-fast light field that "cuts" time to only one hundred billionth of a second.

Lu Li, director of the Huairou Research Department of the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, introduced that the device can make physical experimental conditions reach extreme states. Many major achievements in material science and related fields were discovered under such conditions.

Relying on this large scientific device, my country has independently developed a new generation of liquid helium-free dilution refrigerator, which can meet the extremely low temperature needs of scientific research including quantum computing. It also helped Chinese scientists discover nickel oxide high-temperature superconductors in the liquid nitrogen temperature zone for the first time.

To serve the national strategic needs and strengthen scientific and technological innovation, especially original and disruptive scientific and technological innovation, Huairou Science City has gathered 37 scientific facility platforms including comprehensive extreme conditions experimental devices. In recent years, it has produced more than 200 major scientific and technological achievements and formed more than 260 major invention patents.

Original innovation breakthroughs will drive industrial innovation.

The multiple scientific research instrument components used in the comprehensive extreme conditions experimental device were developed by Duochang Cryogenic Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd., which is located several kilometers away. "In order to be close to cutting-edge scientific scenarios and market demands, we moved the company from the main urban area of ​​Beijing to Huairou Science City three years ago." General Manager Cong Junzhuang introduced that the company customized the development of high-end scientific instruments and equipment around the needs of relevant scientific facilities and experimental equipment, and has now grown into a specialized, refined, and innovative small and medium-sized enterprise in Beijing.

Settle in and provide professional industrial space; carry out R&D and build a technical public service platform; cultivate and expand, and follow up with industrial development funds... Huairou District optimizes policy services, promotes upstream and downstream collaboration, and industry-university-research cooperation. High-tech industrial projects are gathering at an accelerated pace in Huairou Science City. Among them, the high-end scientific instrument and sensor industry, which is built on the basis of the Science City, has attracted more than 300 key enterprises and teams, and will achieve an output value of 1.6 billion yuan in 2023.

Industrial innovation is gaining momentum, and policy innovation is following simultaneously.

Improve the capital chain around the industrial chain. Huairou District has widely recruited and cultivated project teams that are in line with the local industrial development direction and have key technologies, focusing on cultivating start-up technology companies, implementing the "Nursery Plan" in the field of hard technology, and has selected more than 200 high-quality projects to be included in the "Nursery Plan" project seed bank; building an industrial fund matrix, multiple funds have invested 1.1 billion yuan, and cumulatively supported more than 60 projects.

Focus on serving scientific research and building a talent chain in industry. Huairou District continues to do a good job in "science", "scientists" and "science city", promotes the implementation of the "first-in-charge, quick response, specialist docking" mechanism for talent matters, and strives to improve urban service functions such as housing, education, medical care, and commerce. In recent years, it has attracted 23,000 scientific researchers, including 77 academicians of the two academies and more than 600 foreign talents in various fields, and has initially formed a talent echelon for the entire innovation chain.

Climbing up to the fifth-floor platform of the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Huairou Campus, and looking out, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the "Two Bombs and One Satellite" Memorial Hall are quietly lying in the mountains not far away. The dream of accelerating the construction of a strong country in science and technology is growing vigorously in this hot land. "We will strive to create a new highland of forward-looking and leading basic research, and strive to build a modern industrial system supported by the real economy and adapted to basic research. We will fully serve the construction of Beijing International Science and Technology Innovation Center and a strong country in science and technology." Guo Yanhong, Secretary of the Huairou District Committee and Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Huairou Science City, said.

People's Daily (Edition 01, July 27, 2024)