
How did Dong Yuhui and Yu Minhong "fight" in a decent manner?


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If you want to sell your dignity, you won't get much, but if you want to keep it, it will be expensive.

The most interesting thing about the relationship between Dong Yuhui, Yu Minhong and Dongfang Zhenxuan is that everyone is trying to maintain the dignity of a cultural person. This is also the reason why the whole thing has always seemed so twisted and tangled.


The biggest characteristic of intellectuals is that they cannot talk about money, because money is too vulgar.However, commercial companies cannot avoid talking about money, and the live streaming e-commerce model is an industry that is particularly close to money and has a strong smell of copper. The underlying logic of the two is actually contradictory.

This is what makes Dong Yuhui special.Before him, there were “cultured people” who tried to sell goods, but most of them ended in failure. First, cultured people have always had low commercial attributes, and second, cultured people like to be pretentious. Most of them cannot accept the “1, 2, 3 link” approach. Selling goods in a live broadcast room is already “disgraceful” and “against the original intention”.

Dong Yuhui is loved by many bigwigs because his live streaming method is the ideal way for these people to make money. Chatting and talking, you can make money while chatting.So I especially love Dong's live broadcast room, which gives me a feeling of "talking and laughing with great scholars, and no freeloaders". In other big anchors' live broadcast rooms, big guys have to break through their idol burden. Only in Dong's live broadcast room can big guys be themselves and make money. From this perspective, this is Dong's value, a unique ability in the entire live broadcast industry, and an ability that Dongfang Zhenxuan and Yu Minhong want to keep.

As we all know, the conflict between Dong and Dongfang Selection started with the "copywriting" incident. From my many years of experience, the tug-of-war since then can be regarded as the strangest "fight" in the history of the Internet.

Because this is not even a's hard to even find a word to describe it. You can think about how other conflicts between Internet celebrities and agencies would develop. It's nothing more than unfair profit distribution, Internet celebrities publicly complaining, agencies issuing statements to deny it, and then both parties go to court. Not to mention Internet celebrities and agencies, the same is true for celebrities and agencies. In this fight, more gossip is exposed. This is what we, the public, think of as a hearty public event.


But Dong and Oriental Selection are very interesting, especially after Yu Minhong got involved in his personal capacity, there is something weird about it.

It was obvious that the two sides had irreconcilable contradictions, but no one listed the crimes. And most importantly, no one talked about money, and even competed to express that "this is not a matter of money". It was about who had the greatest contribution to the success of Oriental Selection. In the end, it evolved into a strange question: Did Oriental make Dong successful, or did Dong make Oriental successful?

Dong said that Mr. Yu treated him well and gave him enough money. Yu said that the success of Oriental Selection was inseparable from Dong, emphasizing and acknowledging Dong's role.

This creates a very magical phenomenon: I know that I have a conflict with you, and you also know that you have a conflict with me. Everyone knows that we have a conflict, but we repeatedly emphasize that there is no conflict between us.

This is how cultural people behave when they encounter commercial conflicts. In order to maintain their dignity as much as possible, they choose not to expose more to the public. When cultural people quarrel, they cannot be like shrews scolding and hooligans fighting on the street.

Therefore, as intellectuals compete for profits, there is very little information and everyone can only guess.Think about it, to this day, the greatest information about Yu still comes from the little stories told by Luo Yonghao.

This is why many self-media said that Dong should thank Lao Luo, because Lao Luo tore off the disguise and said everything that insiders didn't want to say or didn't dare to say. Regardless of whether it is true or not, at least it provided effective information.

One man's honey may be another man's poison. This is a real pain in the heart for Lao Yu. Being labeled as a miser is indeed a real blow to a big shot who claims to be a cultured person.

So when Dong Yuhui resigned this time, Yu Minhong quickly published a long article to explain. He must have been holding it in for a long time.

Although the article is long, it can be summarized in six words: I am not a miser.Didn't you say I was stingy? I gave away everything I could to Dong Yuhui for free. I really don't love money.

Moreover, the article repeatedly emphasized that he had a good personal relationship with Dong, and that he recognized Dong's role and respected Dong's choice. Therefore, he helped Dong and mediated to gain benefits from the shareholders selected by Dongfang.

The implication is that I have done everything I can, so stop scolding me. Dong's response is similar. We are all intellectuals, and we should break up in a decent manner, not say goodbye while scolding each other. Dong Yuhui's breakup with Dongfang Zhenxuan is like the official announcement of Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang. It cannot be said to be expected, but it can only be said to be known to everyone.


There is a tacit understanding among intellectuals that no matter what the truth is, they must not let the onlookers see the joke. If they become the subject of public ridicule, then what is the difference between them and those entertainment stars?

A business dispute involving at least tens of billions of dollars, which would have required several lawsuits in any industry, was ultimately settled with the help of a few short essays.

In this process, everyone tried to reveal Ma Yun's temperament: I don't love money, I have no interest in money. What I want is not money, but a decent life.

However, although money is not important, maintaining a decent appearance does require a lot of money.

To borrow a sentence from "Under the Bustling City":If you want to sell your dignity, you won't get much, but if you want to keep it, it will be expensive.

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