
A nightclub girl who gave birth to a child at the age of 16. How did she become the Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom?


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sheGrowing up in a slum,

Becoming a grandmother at the age of 37...

Author: Wang Zhening

In the House of Commons elections held this month, the British Labour Party won more than half of the seats and became the ruling party. Labour Party leader and new British Prime Minister Starmer formed a new cabinet with the most female ministers in history on the afternoon of July 5 local time, with Angela Rayner as the Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

The deputy prime minister quickly came into the spotlight as she was a former deputy leader of the Labour Party and a star member of the party's election campaign.

Not only that, her personal experience is also very rough - she grew up in a slum, dropped out of school at the age of 16 and gave birth to a child, and became a grandmother at the age of 37...

Now, at the age of 44, she has been appointed Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Local Development, Housing and Communities. How to solve the "mess" left by the previous government? Angela Rayner's challenge has just begun......

Born in poverty

Angela was born in Stockport, Greater Manchester, England in 1980. Her mother gave birth to three children, and Angela was the second. Because of the family's poverty, Angela's family lived in a welfare house provided by the government.

Angela's father was often away from home and moody when he came home. He abandoned the family after her mother gave birth to her third child.

For a long time, her mother was bedridden and suffered from bipolar disorder, so she needed someone to take care of her all the time. Angela took on this responsibility, feeding her mother, washing her, and sleeping at the end of the bed at night, always looking after her mother who might commit suicide.

Angela's childhood photo.

Angela once recalled her past days: dog hair often stuck to her body; dirt on her skin was clearly visible; the food was the same old sausages and chips, and she often didn't have enough to eat; if she wanted to wash clothes and take a hot shower, she had to wait until the weekend to walk 3 kilometers to her grandmother's house...

Not only that, but Angela would always pester her friends and want to go to their homes for snacks, which often annoyed the other children's parents.

Because her mother was illiterate, Angela had "no books at home" since she was a child, and barely went to junior high school. Later, in order to supplement the family income, she started working as a hostess in nightclubs at the age of 14, and hung out all day at the age of 15.

At the age of 16, Angela started dating a boyfriend who was three years older than her. She got pregnant unexpectedly and dropped out of school without getting a diploma. At that time, she was always ridiculed and looked down upon by people around her. Some even said to her, "You will never amount to anything."

After giving birth to her son, Angela changed a lot. She first found a job as a dishwasher, then started working and studying part-time, entered Stockport College to study British Sign Language and social care, and obtained certificates related to social welfare.

A photo of Angela and her eldest son.

After that, she went to the local council to work as a caregiver, taking care of the daily life of the elderly. Soon after joining the British Public Service Union, she was nominated as a union representative. Although she "didn't know what field she was entering", Angela still tried her best and worked hard.

Since then, she has become a full-time union official. Because of her outspokenness and unwillingness to endure oppression, Angela has gained many fans and has been promoted to the convener of the Northwest Regional Union, representing 200,000 workers.

In 2010, Angela married Mark Reiner, also a union official, and gave birth to two children. The second son was born prematurely and was in the intensive care unit for eight months before he was out of danger.

Beginning of political career

Many years later, Angela joined the Labour Party. In 2015, she was nominated by the Labour Party to run in the House of Commons election, and with 48% of the votes, she became the first female MP in the Ashton-under-Lyne constituency in 180 years.

"I dare say I am the only member of this House who has worked as a carer," Angela said in her maiden speech in the House of Commons. "I am also, perhaps, the only member of this House who, when she was 16 and pregnant, was told that she would never amount to anything. I wish they could see me now."

After that, Angela began to emerge in the political arena. She came from the bottom of society and was very sensitive to social issues. Not only that, she was enthusiastic and generous in social occasions and treated problems realistically, so she was quickly selected by the then Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn to join the shadow cabinet.

In the UK, the shadow cabinet is usually formed by the leader of the largest opposition party in the House of Commons, who selects influential members of the same party and forms a cabinet. This team is set up by the non-governing party in preparation for taking office.


In June 2016, the Labour Party was in crisis and 63 front-benchers resigned. Angela was promoted from Shadow Pensions Secretary to Shadow Minister for Women and Equalities. A week later, Shadow Education Secretary resigned after 50 hours in office, making Angela the youngest Shadow Education Secretary in history.

One year later, Angela's eldest son gave birth to a daughter, and the 37-year-old Angela "upgraded" to become a grandmother. However, Angela separated from her husband in 2020. In the same year, Angela was elected deputy leader of the Labour Party.

Perhaps because she had experienced too many hardships since childhood, Angela speaks very directly and acts tough.

In 2021, Angela strongly criticized then-British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and other senior Conservative Party officials: "We can't be worse than a bunch of scum, they are racist...absolutely a bunch of rubbish scum..."

This remark brought Angela a lot of infamy. In the same year, David Ames, a member of the Conservative Party, was murdered. Angela received many death threats and abusive messages from strangers.

Angela wasted no time in bringing a man to court after he admitted sending her threatening emails, telling her to "watch out for yourself and your children".

On the day the man was sentenced, Angela apologised "unreservedly" for calling the Conservatives "scum" last month. In fact, she initially refused to apologize, but later said that after reflecting on the "threats and abuse" that often occur in politics, she would not use the same language again.

In 2022, Angela was reported by the British Sunday Mail for crossing her legs while wearing a short skirt during a meeting of the House of Commons.

Angela was criticized for crossing her legs during a meeting.

The article said Conservative MPs accused her of distracting then-Prime Minister Boris Johnson by crossing and lowering her legs, a "basic" trick.

Angela later responded by calling the article "disgusting" and saying it "not only talks about me as a woman, but is also full of class discrimination about my background and the environment I grew up in."

Following the backlash to the article, Johnson said that while he did not agree with Angela's views politically, he "condemned the anonymous misogynistic targeting of Angela".

The road is not smooth

Although many people support Angela, who came from a grassroots background, her path to becoming deputy prime minister was not smooth. This year, Angela caused controversy because of her living arrangements and tax issues before becoming an MP.

Angela (right) and Starmer.

According to reports, Conservative MP James Daley reported to Greater Manchester Police that Angela had provided false information about her primary residence. The police then launched an investigation into Angela.

The allegation dates back to 2015, when Angela sold a government-subsidized house in Stockport for £127,500 (about 1.2 million yuan) and made £48,500 (about 456,000 yuan).

However, questions arose as to whether she paid the correct amount of tax and whether the home was her primary residence - if Angela moved to another residence after marriage, she should have paid tax on the sale of the public housing.

Angela issued a statement saying she would actively cooperate with the police investigation. She also criticized the Conservative Party, saying they used "desperate means" against her.

Angela previously said in an interview that the Conservatives might be "quite afraid" of her. "They don't know how to interact with the public because they don't come into contact with the public as often as I do, and it's almost a bit embarrassing for them. The public is my superpower, I like the public, and you can't fake it."

Angela has received support from many people.

At the same time, many British people have questioned Angela - "She is as dumb as a brick and can't even speak a complete sentence. She will make us a joke by representing our country" and "I am very worried because she always swears"...

In addition to responding to doubts from some people, Angela's most important task is to help the new Prime Minister Starmer solve the thorny problems currently facing the UK.

It is reported that the British economy has stagnated in recent years, coupled with the impact of Brexit and the new crown epidemic, domestic housing is tight, debt continues to increase, and people's quality of life continues to decline.

Not only that, the UK's public service system is also "crumbling". Because the construction of new prisons cannot keep up with the government's tightening of sentencing, the UK prison population is overcrowded; the UK is seriously short of medical supplies and staff; many local governments have declared "bankruptcy" and will stop all new spending outside of legal services...

Before the election, Angela outlined her plans, which included building new towns, flexible working hours and shorter working hours.

"In the first 100 days of Labour, I will be committed to ensuring our housing policy and our new Labour deal are voted on quickly," she said.


Angela knows she must be a pragmatist first. She likes the saying, “We can’t solve all problems overnight.” Will she be able to live up to expectations? Time will tell.

Producer: Zhang Pei

Editor: Tian Liang

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