
3 types of materials have been blacklisted due to excessive formaldehyde, but many people don’t know and still bring them home in boxes


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3 types of materials have been blacklisted due to excessive formaldehyde, but many people don't know and still bring them home in boxes

Formaldehyde, the name sounds scary. Many people know that it is harmful to health, but did you know that some common decoration materials are the main source of formaldehyde, and many people buy these materials in large quantities without knowing it. Today, we will uncover these hidden "poison sources".

Many people think that after a period of ventilation, the formaldehyde problem will be solved. However, this is far from the truth. The release cycle of formaldehyde can last for several years, especially in some common decoration materials.

1. Density board and particle board
These boards are widely used in furniture making and interior decoration because they are cheap and easy to process. However, a large amount of formaldehyde adhesive is used in their production process, which will continue to release formaldehyde in the next few years.

2. Synthetic Carpet
Many people like to use carpets to enhance the comfort of their homes, but synthetic carpets can contain high levels of formaldehyde. These carpets use formaldehyde as a preservative during the manufacturing process to prevent the growth of mold and bacteria. As a result, these carpets become a long-term source of formaldehyde emissions.

3. Wallpaper and wall paint
Although wallpaper and paint look harmless, the formaldehyde content in them cannot be ignored. In particular, some inferior wallpapers and paints have a large amount of formaldehyde added to improve durability and waterproofness. These materials continuously release formaldehyde on the wall, affecting indoor air quality.

Long-term exposure to formaldehyde environment can cause harm to health that cannot be underestimated, especially for infants and sensitive people.

1. Cancer Risk
Formaldehyde is classified as a Class 1 carcinogen by the World Health Organization, and long-term exposure may lead to serious diseases such as nasopharyngeal cancer and leukemia. This is particularly worrying because the home environment is an important part of our daily life.

2. Health impact on infants and young children
The immune system of infants and young children is not fully developed yet, and their resistance to harmful substances is weak. Long-term exposure to formaldehyde may lead to decreased immunity and increase the risk of infection. Studies have shown that an environment with excessive formaldehyde is significantly associated with the incidence of leukemia in infants and young children.

3. Chronic health problems
Long-term low-concentration exposure to formaldehyde can also cause chronic health problems, such as respiratory diseases, skin allergies, eye and nasal irritation, etc. Although these chronic problems are not as obvious as acute poisoning, their long-term effects should not be ignored.

There are many reasons for formaldehyde exceeding the standard, not limited to new house decoration.

1. High temperature environment
High temperatures will accelerate the volatilization of formaldehyde. In summer or when heating equipment is frequently used, rising indoor temperatures will lead to increased formaldehyde release.

2. Humidity changes
Humidity changes are also an important factor affecting formaldehyde release. A high humidity environment will accelerate the release of formaldehyde from materials, especially in rainy seasons or areas with high humidity, where the risk of formaldehyde exceeding the standard is greater.

3. Multi-layer decoration overlay
The use of multiple layers of decorative materials, such as wallpaper covered on paint, or carpet covered on wooden floors, these superimposed decorative layers may contain formaldehyde and increase formaldehyde release.

In the face of the potential threat of formaldehyde, scientific and effective control methods are crucial.

1. Maintain good air circulation
Opening windows for ventilation is the simplest way to help reduce the concentration of indoor formaldehyde. Maintaining ventilation for a few hours every day can effectively reduce the accumulation of formaldehyde. However, in seasons with lower temperatures or on foggy days, the ventilation effect will be limited.

2. Use natural adsorbents
Some natural materials such as activated carbon and bamboo charcoal are widely believed to have the ability to absorb formaldehyde. Placing these adsorbents in the corners of the room or in the furniture can help absorb formaldehyde in the air. However, the adsorption capacity of these materials is limited and needs to be replaced regularly, otherwise it will reach saturation.

3. Wipe the furniture with water
Water is soluble and can help remove some formaldehyde. When cleaning, wiping the surface of the furniture with a damp cloth can remove some formaldehyde. However, this method can only remove formaldehyde on the surface of the furniture, and is powerless against formaldehyde released inside.

4. Low temperature catalytic oxidation
Low-temperature catalytic oxidation is a relatively new method that uses a catalyst to accelerate the decomposition of formaldehyde at low temperatures. The advantage of this method is that it has a better effect, but the equipment cost is high and requires professional operation, which is difficult for ordinary families to use.

5. Deep removal of formaldehyde remover
For materials that release formaldehyde over a long period of time, such as furniture panels and decorative coatings, Yiya Formaldehyde Remover is an efficient solution. It can penetrate into the material and decompose formaldehyde into harmless substances through chemical reactions.

According to test data, after using the YiYa formaldehyde remover, the indoor formaldehyde concentration is significantly reduced. For example, in an environment with an initial concentration of 0.15mg/m³, after using the YiYa formaldehyde remover, the concentration can be reduced to below 0.04mg/m³, which is much better than the national standard of 0.08mg/m³. This remover not only has a quick effect, but also a long-lasting effect, which is very suitable for families who need to move into a new home quickly.

In addition, there are similar products such as Oluwei formaldehyde remover, which can also effectively remove formaldehyde from furniture and building materials, providing a healthier living environment for families.

The formaldehyde problem cannot be ignored. Whether it is a newly renovated house or an old house that has been lived in for many years, there may be a risk of excessive formaldehyde. Scientific and effective formaldehyde control can not only improve indoor air quality, but also ensure the health and safety of your family.