
Russia: NATO is trying to bring the world's oceans into its sphere of influence! The U.S. military rarely publicly disclosed that its nuclear submarines were replenishing ammunition in Guam. What signals does this send?


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Editor of Every Economic Report: Du Yu

According to CCTV News on July 26,On July 25th local time, Russian presidential aide Patrushev said in an interview with Russian media that NATO countries are attempting to limit the national interests of sovereign states and bring the world's oceans under their control and sphere of influence by continuing to wantonly increase naval bases abroad.

According to CCTV Military, the U.S. military recently released rare photos of U.S. nuclear submarines reloading cruise missiles in Guam. What is the intention behind this?

NATO decides to further strengthen its nuclear capabilities

According to CCTV Global News Broadcast on July 25, multiple foreign media reported that Japan and the United States will hold a "2+2" meeting between the foreign ministers and defense ministers of the two countries in Tokyo on the 28th of this month to discuss "extended deterrence" for the first time, that is, the United States promises to usenuclear weaponThe issue of protecting allies with military forces, including those of the United States.

Screenshot of Reuters report

As the second preparatory meeting for the 11th Review Conference of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) is being held in Geneva, this move is seen as the latest move by the United States to tailor nuclear deterrence for other countries and strengthen its "nuclear sharing" strategic intention, causing great concern from the outside world.

Especially since the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict,The United States has been active in expanding and upgrading its nuclear forces in Europe.

It is reported that as of last year, the United States has deployed hundreds of new nuclear bombs at six air force bases in Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Italy and Turkey. In addition, there are reports that the United States is planning to redeploy nuclear weapons in the UK after a lapse of 15 years.

While the United States and the West were deliberately exaggerating in the international public opinion field whether the Ukrainian army's attack on sensitive Russian targets would trigger Russia's "red line" for using nuclear weapons, the US B-52 strategic bomber capable of carrying nuclear warheads flew around Russia's Kaliningrad in a high-profile manner, showing off its "nuclear muscles."

At the same time, NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg declared that NATO needs to demonstrate the effectiveness of its nuclear deterrence. To this end, NATO is exploring the possibility of taking more nuclear weapons out of warehouses and putting them on "standby status."

According to the final statement of the NATO Washington Summit earlier this month, as one of the important measures to deter strategic rivals such as Russia,NATO has decided to further strengthen its nuclear capabilities.

The statement declared that nuclear deterrence is the cornerstone of NATO's security and that "as long as nuclear weapons exist, NATO will remain a nuclear alliance." NATO "will be committed to taking all necessary measures to ensure the credibility, effectiveness, security and confidentiality of the alliance's nuclear deterrence mission, including modernizing its nuclear capabilities, strengthening its nuclear planning capabilities and making adjustments when necessary."

The naked nuclear brinkmanship game between the United States and NATO has forced Russia to respond time and time again.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly stressed that for some reason, the West believes that Russia will never use nuclear weapons, but Russia has its own nuclear principles.

"If anyone's actions threaten our sovereignty and territorial integrity, we may use all available means."

In response to the dangerous signals released by the NATO Washington Summit, the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) recently issued a statement emphasizing that:If NATO wants to be truly secure, it must stay away from nuclear weapons.

The article points out that nuclear weapons are not mentioned in the North Atlantic Treaty, but today they are deeply rooted in NATO's strategic thinking. Given the increased danger of nuclear war, it would be a serious mistake for NATO leaders to conclude that nuclear weapons are more important to Europe's defense than ever before.

The article said that as an alliance that claims to create a safe environment for a world without nuclear weapons, NATO has doubled down on "nuclear sharing", which shows the confusion of its strategic thinking.

"If NATO wants to enhance security in a world clouded by the threat of nuclear conflict, it needs to change its thinking and practices. The first step should be to end the deployment of U.S. nuclear weapons in other NATO countries."

The U.S. military rarely discloses

According to the official WeChat account of CCTV Military on July 25, the U.S. military recently released rare photos of U.S. nuclear submarines reloading cruise missiles in Guam. What is the intention behind this?

The U.S. Department of Defense released photos on July 14 local time showing that the U.S. Navy's "Florida" nuclear submarine reloaded an unknown number of "Tomahawk" cruise missiles at the Guam Naval Base.

Newsweek reported that the Florida is an Ohio-class cruise missile submarine, which can carry up to 154 Tomahawk missiles. The U.S. military usually does not reveal the exact location of its submarines, let alone proactively disclose information about its weapons and equipment.

Military commentator Wei Dongxu believes that the US military is trying to demonstrate the saturation attack capability of its sea-based cruise missiles and show off that its cruise missile nuclear submarines can sneak up to the doorsteps of other countries and conduct sneak attacks and surprise attacks.

Military expert Du Wenlong said that the Ohio-class nuclear submarine can also be reloaded. Once this type of cruise missile nuclear submarine is deployed in the surrounding area, it can basically unify and coordinate the United States' "nuclear and conventional" in the surrounding area. If a large number of conventional missiles appear at close range, it means that the United States may be preparing for actual combat. If bombers, nuclear submarines, etc. are deployed in the surrounding area in the next step, the "multiple firepower rings" claimed by the United States will be deployed in actual combat.

Wei Dongxu said that modern naval ships are large and equipped with many vertical launch units.Anti-aircraft missilesandAnti-ship missilesThe size of the cranes is also relatively large. Loading at sea is very difficult without large platforms and lifting equipment.DestroyerLarge ships such as ships and frigates mainly load shipborne ammunition in their home ports.

The US Navy tried to strengthen the ammunition supply capability of the "Arleigh Burke" class destroyers and "Ticonderoga" class cruisers in the front-line areas, and proposed a concept to turn large oil extraction platforms into offshore bases, install large elevators, and equip ammunition depots. However, this is not only very expensive, but also will become a huge target and ammunition depot. Once hit by long-range firepower, it may become a big fireball before the supply work is completed.

Newsweek reported that Guam, located east of the Philippines and south of Japan, is an "ideal frontline base" for the United States to gather and project military power in the Western Pacific. The island is also part of the so-called "second island chain."

Wei Dongxu said that the appearance of the Ohio-class cruise missile nuclear submarine in Guam and the reloading of ammunition sent a very clear deterrent signal, which is mainly aimed at the "strategic opponents" in the eyes of the United States in the Asia-Pacific region. If reloading is required, it means that the Tomahawk missiles have already carried out a saturation attack, so the "opponent" it is aimed at can be imagined. On the other hand, if the United States uses Guam's facilities to strengthen operations in the Pacific direction, then Guam itself will be vulnerable to retaliation.

Daily Economic News Comprehensive CCTV News, CCTV Military

Daily Economic News